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  1. #1
    bigworm is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004

    any info appreciated . hgh and insulin plus steroid combo

    ansomone using insulin plus some steroids . whens best to take the insulin and does it need the gh to be split throughtout the day. any info greatly received.

  2. #2
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jul 2003
    Hey bw.

    The way I understand using hgh in the comb is to use the hgh first thing in the am and again about mid way through the day, to not supress natty release during sleep. Slin is best used pwo, keeping in mind about the half life and how soon you go to sleep. There are plenty of threads talking about this in here but this is the short answer to get you going in the right direction.

  3. #3
    bigworm is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004
    thanks for that. heard that taking the insulin pre workout is bit more dangerous. but ill give it a go. just need to find the right set of steroids to take with it. can get hold of most things just dont wanna trial and error it. regards bw.

  4. #4
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh I meant post wo bro not pre, pre is very dangerous.

  5. #5
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    Oh I meant post wo bro not pre, pre is very dangerous.
    the only time i would use slin Pre-WO would be with humilin r or similar, and sub-q shots. cause then it takes half hour to start to kick in. but again that would also only be for a more experienced user!

  6. #6
    bigworm is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    the only time i would use slin Pre-WO would be with humilin r or similar, and sub-q shots. cause then it takes half hour to start to kick in. but again that would also only be for a more experienced user!
    ok thanks for the info. ill use my slin post workout with a carb drink by prolab. followed by shake or meal after 1 hour. then no sleep for 4 hours i guess. thats what ive been seeing mostly. 2iu's to start then increase1iu / workout till i get to 1 iu /15lbs of body mass. that sound about right?

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