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  1. #1
    mad4muscles's Avatar
    mad4muscles is offline New Member
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Question GH injection site advice

    I know a lot of people inject GH in the abdominal area, due to the likelihood (?) that it will burn the most fat in that area. I was overweight as a child and have always carried a lot of fat in my chest (not gyno - it's just flab) and I'm wondering what you guys think, would doing some spot injections in my tits help reduce in that area?

    Wait - before anyone says it - yes, I know, diet and cardio. Diet and cardio. Diet and cardio. I am working on the diet and cardio, big time! But even when I was at my leanest in my late teens/early 20's (145 lbs, 29" waist) I still had boobs to make an Asian teen green with envy. I'm just looking for an alternative to Lipo at this point.....

    Okay - comments, please!

  2. #2
    latino_athlete's Avatar
    latino_athlete is offline Associate Member
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    In The Heart of Mexico
    hey man, why would you talk about using a very expensive drug and then put a picture of you and your car next to it so the whole world can see.

  3. #3
    latino_athlete's Avatar
    latino_athlete is offline Associate Member
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    In The Heart of Mexico
    also your town, you height weight and all that. im just tryin to help you out. so dont get mad.

  4. #4
    mad4muscles's Avatar
    mad4muscles is offline New Member
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    Milwaukee, WI
    Ummm, because I'm not paranoid???

    No, seriously, I appreciate the concern, but first of all, you're assuming that the pic is of me/my car, and not just a car I like; second, even if I was using GH at this time (and I never said I was or wasn't), you don't know whether I got it legally or not, so what should I be concerned about?

    Some of the guys on here have full body pics, including birthmarks and tattoos, which would make them a heck of a lot more identifiable than just knowing my height (in a metropolitan area of...1.5 million people). Not to mention, how many people use their credit card to order gear??? That's a bit more traceable, IMO.

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