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Thread: A Future Slin User

  1. #1

    A Future Slin User


    In the near future I plan on using Slin during one of my cycles. One tool that I fell can really help me stay safe and use Slin more effectively is a blood glucose monitor. However, I have one problem...........why Im using it confuses the **** out of me.

    I know Im using it to test my blood glucose levels but when do I use it? What do the results mean? Please give me some feedback guys.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Use it 1 hour after injection thenm again 2 hours later, if you're under 100-110 in 1 hour eat again, if you at 80-90 in 2 eat again. Once your under 70 you're hypoglycemic


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    nice help there jb! myslef? im scared of it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I had been suggested in another thread to check your blood glucose levels before you start the slin (1 week before, periodically through day) to see where your range is. So when you start the slin, you can have appropriate ranges to work with.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Use it when your not on slin, and then use it when ur on slin like JohnnyB diricted you to use it. Then you can compare the differences

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Use it 1 hour after injection thenm again 2 hours later, if you're under 100-110 in 1 hour eat again, if you at 80-90 in 2 eat again. Once your under 70 you're hypoglycemic


    It's not really cut and dry like that. After your initial meal right after the slin injection your muscles are full of glucose and do not require the same amount of blood glucose to fuel them. I've had my bg go as low as 50 before with no symptoms of hypoglycemia. This has to do in part with the liver making up for the lack of glucose in the blood but also because my body just doesn't need as much glucose due to the excess stored in the muscles.

    My advice for the first timer would be once you get to your desired amount of slin (ie. 10ius) then take bg measurements every 10 minutes. That way you can adjust your initial dextrose intake and the timeing and quantity of your second meal as accuratly as possible. Remember the key is to stay as close to being hypo as possible but not actually going hypo. This will allow you to gain muscle without gaining fat.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    I had been suggested in another thread to check your blood glucose levels before you start the slin (1 week before, periodically through day) to see where your range is. So when you start the slin, you can have appropriate ranges to work with.

    Do I add all these numbers up and take the average? Say my number is 100dg/dl....Does this mean I should stay as close to this number as possible to gain muscle while avoiding gaining fat? What # is too high and what # is too low?

    Thanks for the help!!

  8. #8
    Excellent info guys!

    1) Is there a set # on the BGM say 73dg/dl that means you ARE HYPOGLYCEMIC TAKE IN CARBS ASAP??? Or is everyone different?

    2) If my BG is too high it means Im safe and can reduce my carb intake the next time around right?

    3) If my BG is too low it means I need to take in carbs ASAP and increase my carb intake the next time around right?

    4) How many points over my average BG indicates that I consumed too many carbs? Say my averge is 100dg/dl. Is 110 too high or fine, is 150 too high or fine, etc?

    5) How many points under my average BG indicates that I consumed too little carbs? Again average is 100dg/ 90 too low or fine, is 80 too low or fine, etc?


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