Thread: Igf-1 R3
09-24-2004, 06:40 PM #1
Igf-1 R3 timing of shot
I have read conflicting information about when is the proper time to take IGF-1 r3. Some say to take it morning and afternoon, some say to take it morning and post workout, some say to take it post workout only and only once in the morning on non training days. I am taking 60mcg a day. It would seem to me to be more beneficial to take it in the morning and post workout. Since the half life is 12 hrs? Another thing that I have read on this board and not other (there is not much information on other boards to begin with) is that for the localized growth it should be injected into the muscles trained that day? Does that seem to be the norm around here?
Thanks in advance for any info that can be provided
SeaHawk22Last edited by SeaHawk22; 09-24-2004 at 06:52 PM.
09-24-2004, 07:03 PM #2
Nevermind, through more searches I think it all works.
I will continue the morning and late afternoon post workout shot.
60mcg two 30mcg shots.
I was under the impression that the localized group worked even if the muscle had not been worked out. I am speaking about igf-1 r3 not igf-1 which I believe does cause localized growth. I am speculating please no one take what i am saying to heart.
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