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Thread: Slin cycle Diary.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Slin cycle Diary.

    Hey guys, a few wanted to hear about my experience with slin so I guess i'll do one of these diary's. Alright, My cycle looks like this.

    Test Prop, 100mg/D week 1-10
    Tren Ace, 75mg/D week 1-8
    Slin Max of 10iu's/D week 2-6 - Pct

    So I took my first slin shot (5iu) today immediately post workout... Whoa is all I can say! Shot Intra Muscularly and Man that stuff starts acting quick! I injected into my right Bicep and within 5 mins of the injection my arm started to tremble... I was trying to scoop up 5g's of creatine with my spoon and it took me 3 tries to get it there... This could have been my nerves But I definitely started feeling light headed really quick. Once I got my carbs into me everything was fine... Left my right bicep nice an pumped for about an hour after the gym which was odd seeing as how i didn't train arms at all today. 1 hour later I ate a can of Tuna with mustard and 1 and a half baked potatoes... Going to have one more meal in about 30mins. This is powerful stuff boys... All i can say is make sure your really educated about this stuff before you go with it.. there is a lot of room for error if ignorance is present.
    Thanks To Mike XXL for all the help he gave me over the last little while... Angelxterminator as well... Thanks boys!
    Last edited by GeoQuadzilla; 10-01-2004 at 11:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Good thread bro, I am going to try slin for the first time in the near future so I will be monitoring your progress!

  3. #3
    IMO the shaking was just nerves. Also, tuna isn't the best second meal. Chicken has less fat. Are you eating 3 meals within the slin's activity of 2 hours?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yep, and I don't think tuna has more fat then chicken... Not canned tuna anyway... and I'm using humalin R... so the duration is around 4 hours if injected IM.
    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    IMO the shaking was just nerves. Also, tuna isn't the best second meal. Chicken has less fat. Are you eating 3 meals within the slin's activity of 2 hours?

  5. #5
    Ah, thought you were using humalog. Going IM with humalin doesn't increase the absorbtion rate very much. Humalog's primary delay mechanism is the subQ fat that it's injected into, but humalin has it's own built in mechanism.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Al Asad, Iraq
    yes humalin is slightly time released, but an IM injection would still increase onset to a degree, and is worth it!

    Good luck bro, hope all is well for you! Just be careful with it!
    Last edited by angelxterminator; 10-01-2004 at 09:36 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    yes humalin is slightly time released, but an IM injection would still increase onset to a degree, and is worth it!

    Good luck bro, hope all is well for you! Just be careful with it!
    I agree the duration of action should be shorter if injected IM...and onset being quicker...good luck Bro and keep us posted...XXL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    i agree that the shaking was more nerves then anything.just a suggestion.have your pwo drinks made up before you head to the gym and you wont have to deal with the shaking and trying to measure anything out.i have 2 large bulk nutrition(freebies) containers.1 with dextrose,glute and creatine.i put a scoop of gatorade mix in there just for flavor,i do take the carbs into account though.and the other has 3 scoops of ON whey(70g pro).this holds me over for the ride home.and then i have 2 chicken breasts and 2 cups of natural oatmeal with 2 spoonfuls of honey.i'm currently bulking so im not as concerned with the extra carbs as i was back in the summer when i ran slin and was cutting.
    goodluck bro.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2003
    Day 2, and your comments have all been dutily noted... Thanks fellaz.

    Slin 6 iu postwork, 60g Dex, Creatine 5g's, Whey 50g's

    So yeah, Slin makes you Pi$$ a lot... That's one thing i noticed. Today I trained legs and had a good workout... My test and tren are really just starting to hit full steam right now so everything is going great. Other then that slin will keep your pumps for a long time. I'm currently 245lbs on my way to 260+ is my goal... No real signs of Hypo because im really cautious and maybe over cautious about my carb intake... Better safe then sorry... Didn't really want to sleep last night because I was a bit paranoid even though my slin's max duration had ended hours before... Just nervous is all... But I had a great sleep and everything was fine... I called the actual pharmacy that makes my slin to make sure i had my duration times correct... and everything was cool... I'll keep you posted, Peace.
    Last edited by GeoQuadzilla; 10-02-2004 at 12:57 PM.

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    So yeah, Slin makes you Pi$$ a lot...
    The reason why you are pissing a lot is coz of the creatine. I used to piss a lot too when I used creatine with slin. However, all the other times during the year when I used creatine alone without slin, I never really pissed as much. I think the reason why I piss a lot when using creatine and slin is coz its absorbed a lot more and quiker. Anyway, sounds like your happy with what your doing, good luck!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Day 3,

    Slin 7iu, 70g's Dex, 50g's whey, 5g's creatine PWO

    Good workout today, Muscles are nice and full... Just the way I like them I feel pretty tired today only because I skimped on my sleep last night... Was out with a lady friend til late and then had to study for an english test. That's the only downfall of slin I don't get my daily nap in the afternoon lol... Other then that this stuff is a truely amazing compound... I never experienced muscle fullness like this before and it's only my third day on it... Everything is right on track as of now... Kinda can't wait til I get ready to diet for my comps this year... Have a feeling i'm going to be nice and big for the crowd this year Here's to hoping i'll be 230lbs+ on stage

  12. #12
    Hey, what did the pharmacy say the peak and duration of IM Humalin was, and what's it supposed to be subQ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Day 4

    Bumped the Slin up to 10iu, 100g's Dextrose, 50g's Whey, 5g's Creatine PWO

    Today was a good workout... Trained back/bi's and had a great pump all the way through. I bumped my slin up to 10iu today and am going to stick with that all the way through the 4 weeks. I find that after I take my shot and down my dextrose that my stomach gets pretty cramped and upset... I'm guessing its from all the sugar im consuming at once... lasts for about 10mins or so but **** is it uncomfortable... Anyone experience this? Weight is up to 250lbs now and I just ate some turkey breast and oats... Can't beat that!

  14. #14
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    city of brotherly love
    never had stomach cramps,usually just a feeling of fullness.i also sip a carb/pro drink during my im usually full from that and then i have to down my 2 drinks afterwards.bloated is more like it.

    side note: i use a insulated diabetic carring case to keep my slin cold for the travel to the gym and the workout.yesterday i went to take my shot after training and it was frozen i got all but 2ius in.this is the 1st time this has happened.i dont know why but i now wrap the stick in paper towel before putting it in the case.just incase anyone else is using the same method

  15. #15
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    Jul 2003
    Haven't posted in a few days but everything is going great... Other then I find myself very tired from What i'm guessing is the slin... Because I never felt the need to sleep so much before... Nor have I ever felt so worn out... I don't sleep during the slin's activity though... Too paranoid for that. My cycle is coming along nicely and everything is on track... Was doing close grip bench press for tri's yesterday with 315lbs for reps... Can't complain about that

  16. #16
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    Jul 2003
    First signs of Hypo today to... Really light headed and shakey... Was craving sugar like crazy. I did some posing to build my endurance for on stage. This was about 2 hours after my slin shot and after i was done I was in a state to say the least... Feeling fine now. Had a glass of coke, 2 gluc pills, and oats with some honey it... Feeling better now. Was kind of scared for a second but feeling better now... Peace.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I definetly will be following your journal closely in the coming weeks. I too am hoping to lose my slin virginity in the coming weeks when I feel 100% comfortable. Are you monitoring your Blood Glucose or just going by how you feel?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Hey fellaz just checkin in here... Everything is on track and going great... I took the weekend off slin so I have nothing to say for then... I started back today.

    Slin 10iu, Whey 50g's, Dextrose 100g's, Creatine 5g's

    Everything was great, My strenght is really good right now So no complaints there... Took my slin shot PWO in my tricep and it squirted blood pretty bad lol... Good thing no one was around, I'm doing my slin 5 on 2 off... If anyone thinks I should do it a different way feel free to let me know... Chosenone I'm going by how I feel... I basically have my PWO drinkmix, a meal an hour later, then another meal an hour and a half after that.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    Hey fellaz just checkin in here... Everything is on track and going great... I took the weekend off slin so I have nothing to say for then... I started back today.

    Slin 10iu, Whey 50g's, Dextrose 100g's, Creatine 5g's

    Everything was great, My strenght is really good right now So no complaints there... Took my slin shot PWO in my tricep and it squirted blood pretty bad lol... Good thing no one was around, I'm doing my slin 5 on 2 off... If anyone thinks I should do it a different way feel free to let me know... Chosenone I'm going by how I feel... I basically have my PWO drinkmix, a meal an hour later, then another meal an hour and a half after that.

    glad to hear its going so well for you!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    are you still tired? I stoped for now because I was getting too tired.
    Glad to hear you are doing well on it.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Oh yeah man, During the first 3 hours I do everything to keep myself busy and awake... That is the most crucial time of your slin activity when meals have to be timed correctly... After my 3rd meal I feel pretty good and I tend to get my second wind... But those first 3 hours are pretty brutal as far as being tired is concerned.
    Quote Originally Posted by bigjohnr
    are you still tired? I stoped for now because I was getting too tired.
    Glad to hear you are doing well on it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    try uping your carb and protien intake

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    try uping your carb and protien intake
    i thought if the carb intake was too high thats what cause fatigue after the slin shot????????

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Week 2,

    Slin 10iu, Whey, Dex, Crea all the same as before.

    Well I feel like a sack of shi+ today, My chicken was dry, My oats were gross, and I just feel terrible! My personal life is Kind of shi++y right now so that's def not helping anything out... Besides the fact that i'm working 2 jobs, going to school full time, plus trying to get myself somewhat ready for competition this year... I'm worn the Fu<k out! Sorry I had to vent a bit here... But right now I just feel gross and it just sucks.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    Week 2,

    Slin 10iu, Whey, Dex, Crea all the same as before.

    Well I feel like a sack of shi+ today, My chicken was dry, My oats were gross, and I just feel terrible! My personal life is Kind of shi++y right now so that's def not helping anything out... Besides the fact that i'm working 2 jobs, going to school full time, plus trying to get myself somewhat ready for competition this year... I'm worn the Fu<k out! Sorry I had to vent a bit here... But right now I just feel gross and it just sucks.
    been there bro...take a day and just lounge around and watch movies and be lazy...forget about the gym, school and work...that should get you through the week atleast

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yeah man, I just took it easy today... Hopefully tommorrow will be better.
    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    been there bro...take a day and just lounge around and watch movies and be lazy...forget about the gym, school and work...that should get you through the week atleast

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yo Yo, I'm back and feeling better!

    Slin 10iu... Whey, Dex, Crea...

    Feeling better after some rest although i'm still pretty tired... Slin makes me tired as hell but it's worth it... My weight is now 254lbs! 6 more lbs and i'll have achieved my goal... i'm only 1 month into my cycle as well I'm sweating like a pig lately though... But I think thats more the result of the Tren then anything else... Anyway I'll be back tommorrow. My two meals today were Oats and Chicken... Peace

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Glad to see youre feeling better. Your diary has me amped up to start my cycle in 3 weeks. keep it up!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    he geo do you find it alot easier to eat with the slin...

    i was stuffing down food in my last 4 wk run, and now im struggleing big time just get my protein down

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yeah, I hear what your saying man... I haven't been having the easiest time eating... After my slin shot I walk around with the "I just woke up out of bed" feeling in my stomach, when eating is the furthest thing from my mind... That's the way I feel when on slin for the first 2 meals... My 3rd meal is usually not too bad though... and then i'm good there after.
    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    he geo do you find it alot easier to eat with the slin...

    i was stuffing down food in my last 4 wk run, and now im struggleing big time just get my protein down

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Back again...
    Getting ready to start week 3 of this slin cycle.
    Slin 10iu, Whey, Crea, Dex
    Note: I been lowering my dextrose as I feel I don't need as much of it now... I'm taking about 7-8g's per Iu of slin now.

    Great workout today... Trained legs and Put on a show at the gym Doing some 500lb squats for the crowd. Remember I live in a fairly small place so for a 22 year old male to be pushing that much weight it's pretty unheard of. Other then that... Had a pretty crazy lower back pump for whatever reason? Made me cut my day a bit short because it was pretty painful... All in all things are going great! Just under two months before I start dieting for my competition... And I for one can't wait til it gets here. Peace out fellaz.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    Yeah, I hear what your saying man... I haven't been having the easiest time eating... After my slin shot I walk around with the "I just woke up out of bed" feeling in my stomach, when eating is the furthest thing from my mind... That's the way I feel when on slin for the first 2 meals... My 3rd meal is usually not too bad though... and then i'm good there after.
    hmmm...i wonder if thats a difference in humalog vs humalin r???

    i use the log and i fukkin cant wait to drink my shake, then eat a few more times afterwards...the food goes in so **** easy...i could eat for hours constantly after my talking 2 huge chicken breasts, rice, and a large tomatoe dont even put a dent in me... ...maybe its just me

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Man I am getting big!!

    Slin 10iu, Crea, Whey, Dex

    Boys, I'm weighing 256lbs and i'm just massive right now! Started at a new gym today that i'll be working out in until my competition and the guy training me(Top Amateur) Was pretty amazed at my size... Didn't believe I was 22 years old, He is training 4 other guys along with me... I asked him what they look like and he replied "None of them are close to being as thickly muscled as you" That felt great you can imagine! Slin is a great compound thats for sure... I'll be using it again whenever i'm going to bulk again

    Here is a little sneak peek of how my size is coming along
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by GeoQuadzilla; 10-19-2004 at 07:10 PM.

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