Thanks for taking the time to answer
I'm 36 years old, 6 feet and around 200 lbs. My body fat is 11%
I'm looking to get as rip as possible, look a little younger and to help heal my tendonitis.
I will use 3 to4 iu a day ( 5 on - 2 0ff ) for 4 or 6 months. I will cycle steriod 2 months on - 2 off.
My questions are:
1- I heard that serostim give u more water retention than other hgh-true or false
2- I was told that u need almost twice the number of iu's of sero to equal the effect of other hgh, such as huma- true or false
3- They say that hgh gives u new muscle cells. How can that be if studies show that although u get lean body wieght gains ( water,blood, tendons etc.. ) from hgh alone, you do not get lean muscle gains.
4- How much of the hgh gains are permanent.