my cycle is a little messed up and unplanned because i got hold of an HGH supply half way thru my AAS cycle which i decided to extend in order to accomodate it.
here is how it looks
weeks 1 - 4: DBol 30 mg/day
weeks 1 - 18: Test E 500mg/day
weeks 9 - 14: Winstrol Depot 50mg/EOD
weeks 9 - 25: HGH (10wks@ 2.4iu'd – 6wks@ 4.8iu's) (5 days on - 5 off)
i am currently in week 10, i cannot get hold of IGF-1 till week 13
i know that IGF-1 is used to kick start the HGH so is it worth me adding this 3 - 4 weeks after starting the HGH?