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Thread: insulin and AS combo??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    insulin and AS combo??

    from what i understand slin does not work very well with out AS right! well i do not want to go into a full hard core AS cycle but if i were to use only some test like test E at 250mg a week would that be enough to increase the gains of slin?? i know i should run test e at 500mg a week split into two 250mg injection days but i do not want to get into to that. i just want to use a mild form of AS to increase the use of slin only if there is another choice for me any help is very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Everyone is different. Some people say that Insulin does not work well when used alone, some say it works well. You never know till you try it yourself. However, my theory about slin use with and without combination of AAS is that Insulin can be beneficial when used alone, but not as beneficial when combined with AAS. This does not nesassarily mean that Insulin is useless if used alone. If you ask me, well I will tell you when I used Insulin alone I had some gains, nothing visible really but I felt the gains, and it kept the scales happy. As for your testosterone dosage, with or without slin, 250mgs of test p/week is just not enough for "me". It may be enough for you, but I think most people will say to start of with about 500mgs p/week. Now when using Insulin with AAS, 250mgs of test p/week is defenitely out of the question. I wouldnt use any less than 750mgs - 800mgs of test p/week when combined with slin. A lot of people actually talk about their high dosages of test when using slin. I've never really came across anyone, or knew anyone that used slin and 500mgs of test p/week. Most use between 750mgs - 1000mgs p/week. Once again, everyone is different, so 500mgs p/week with some Insulin may work very well for you. I am only saying to use a fair bit of test as Insulin seems to react a lot better when combined with AAS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Everyone is different. Some people say that Insulin does not work well when used alone, some say it works well. You never know till you try it yourself. However, my theory about slin use with and without combination of AAS is that Insulin can be beneficial when used alone, but not as beneficial when combined with AAS. This does not nesassarily mean that Insulin is useless if used alone. If you ask me, well I will tell you when I used Insulin alone I had some gains, nothing visible really but I felt the gains, and it kept the scales happy. As for your testosterone dosage, with or without slin, 250mgs of test p/week is just not enough for "me". It may be enough for you, but I think most people will say to start of with about 500mgs p/week. Now when using Insulin with AAS, 250mgs of test p/week is defenitely out of the question. I wouldnt use any less than 750mgs - 800mgs of test p/week when combined with slin. A lot of people actually talk about their high dosages of test when using slin. I've never really came across anyone, or knew anyone that used slin and 500mgs of test p/week. Most use between 750mgs - 1000mgs p/week. Once again, everyone is different, so 500mgs p/week with some Insulin may work very well for you. I am only saying to use a fair bit of test as Insulin seems to react a lot better when combined with AAS.

    well i will give slin a run on its own for a couple of cycles and see what i get with it alone and then i will try it with some test e at 500mg a week max to see how that works for the remainder of my bulk up phase, thanks for the info gear just what i needed to know!!

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