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Thread: How to run IGF with my next cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    How to run IGF with my next cycle

    I was planning on running this cycle for my next one in december:

    1-10 75mg prop ED
    1- 8 75mg Fina ED
    4-10 50mg Winny ED
    20mg nolva ED
    .25mg L-dex ED

    This is definately a cutting cycle and I'm planning on getting under 10% bf. Right now Im 25yrs old about 190 16%.

    My question is how should I throw in IGF-1r3? From what I read, 40mcg per day PWO would be a good dose but I was wondering when i should throw it in the mix? I've heard of some people using it during PCT but I dont know what would be best. Also, I have a tendency to have low blood sugar sometimes. Im not hypo but it runs in my family.

  2. #2
    1 mg will last you about 25 days, probably a little less b/c it's hard to measure out exactly 4 iu's every time. you can start one from the beginning, run it til it's out (basically 1-4 weeks). then PCT time comes around run it with PCT to help solidify your gains a little better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    If I had igf that was 1mg per ml, how would I measure out 20 mcg using a slin needle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    you would further dilute it so it was possible to accurately measure your dose!

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