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  1. #1
    Beefbody is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004

    would HGH or Long Igf be better for bulking??

    i would like to add either hgh or long igf to my bulk cycle but i do not know which is more efective in size gains?? i was thinking of running either long igf at 40mcg ed four weeks on 4 off or HGH at 3IU ed for 8 months straight what do you think??

  2. #2
    marlin444 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2004
    def igf hands down. at your 3ui a day gh dosage, youll end up cutting.

  3. #3
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marlin444
    def igf hands down. at your 3ui a day gh dosage, youll end up cutting.
    exactly what do you base that information on?

  4. #4
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by marlin444
    def igf hands down. at your 3ui a day gh dosage, youll end up cutting.
    why would you end up "cutting"??

    i think it depends on a few things,age being one and your goals.IGF will not make you a monster overnite,it is like everything else...cumulative over the long hull.i dont think you could go wrong with either choice.GH has many more benifits then IGF.but if your going for sheer size then IGf is the main reason GH promotes size.i believe for every IU of GH you are getting 5-7mcg of IGF released by the if your taking 3ius GH then you will be getting the same effects basically as taking 20mcg IGF per day.
    GOOODLUCK with whatever you decide

  5. #5
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Which everone you choose you need more protein that usual plau added calories


  6. #6
    marlin444 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    exactly what do you base that information on?
    ive done a lot of research on both of them. ive heard from many users that 4ui's is usally a recomended dosage for bulking. I used a combination of the quote below from devldog, along with some Common sense that 3ui's of gh will not be as productive for mass as 40mcg's of lr3 igf-1. the main reason GH has bodybuilding benefits is because it converts to igf-1 in the liver.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    i believe for every IU of GH you are getting 5-7mcg of IGF released by the if your taking 3ius GH then you will be getting the same effects basically as taking 20mcg IGF per day.

  7. #7
    TheChosenOne's Avatar
    TheChosenOne is offline Anabolic Member
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    Never tried GH but I know for the price of both items I would definetly choose GH over IGF (I have tried albeit some say its a sh*t brand). I personally think IGF is over hyped and over priced but maybe I havent given it a fair go. I would much rather have 25+g's of tren though for the price thats for d*mn sure.

  8. #8
    JoeyJuice is offline Banned
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    Mar 2004
    if you use 4-5ius of gh over 8 monthes with juice you'll be big and ripped. it just depends on ur money situation, ifg is more cost effective, ifg in 4 weeks will burn as much fat as 3 ius of gh over 12 weeks.

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