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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    4 weeks on jin- up 15 pounds and bloated

    Im in about 4 weeks on jin and var, and I am not too pleased. I ran 2ius for 3 weeks and just upped it to 3ius. I feel sooo bloated, hands are swollen, waist has gotten bigger and my face is swollen tooo. Hands are going numb and night and my hands are huge. I def gained greats amount of muscle mass on my shoulders and arms but I was primarily concerned with fat loss and the exact opposite seems to be happening.

    I know edema is a common side effect, but I am starting to think that maybe GH is not for me, not sure if I should keep on pushing, I just dont want to keep gaining weight as I am pushin 295 now at 6'3,

    Will the edema subside? I was getting bloated even at 2 ius, should I switch shot to my legs? Just looking for some advice. At first I thought maybe it was the var, but after doind a search and reading some threads Im convinced its the jin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Also, I have not been taking any days off a week in a hope of seeing results faster, maybe I should take 2 days off a week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Yes, this is my first time, I think Im gonna take 2 days off starting tomorrow and then roll back to just under 2 ius a day. I just was really shocked by the rapid weight gain and Im only through 70 ius so far. I thought i was taking it easy by not starting straight at 4ius like I know some people do, but I guess II underestimated the power of this compound. One thing for sure, is that I know the stuff is real deal

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    I would roll off the dose a bit and give yourself a day or two off a week. Bloating is a common side effect and usually goes away at around 8 weeks or so, but backing off the dose should help sooner than that.

    You are probably losing fat now, even though it is being replaced with water so the loss isn't apparent. That is what happened to a good bodybuilder friend of mine. He had a magazine photo shoot he was getting ready for and decided to run a cycle with Jin. He went straight to 4IU's 6 days a week. He ballooned up something terrible in the waist, face, and neck. This went on for several weeks, but as the photo shoot got closer I told him to roll off the dose. He did and over the course of the next several weeks as the water came off he realized how ripped he had really been getting.

    If this is your first cycle of GH, you may want to take it up somewhat slower. You may even want to roll back to 1.5IU's for several weeks, then up to 2IU's, then 2.5IU's, etc. Some people tolerate it better than others, but if you are bloating at 2IU's I would say slow it up a bit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    would something like taraxatone help combat this water weight?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    would something like taraxatone help combat this water weight?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    would something like taraxatone help combat this water weight?

  7. #7
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yes, it may help but I do not advocate the use of diurectics as taraxatone basically is. You body requires water to function.

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