How much do you usually spend on a JINTROPIN cycle?
Is 100IU $450 ($4.50 / IU) usually what you pay? Seems really expensive.
Thats what I've found so far. I have already searched the threads and JINTROPIN was the only HGH I could find on the net.
How much do you usually spend on a JINTROPIN cycle?
Is 100IU $450 ($4.50 / IU) usually what you pay? Seems really expensive.
Thats what I've found so far. I have already searched the threads and JINTROPIN was the only HGH I could find on the net.
I pay $2.25 per IU or $225 per jino kit
Is that online or P2P?
I pay $220 a kit from china..
I pay $275.00 from China, if someone could pm me that would be great.
yea no doubt, pm also if you would. I understand if you dont wana. How long does the shipment take usually?
I would really love a pm here too. If anyone is in a giving mood on this fine thanksgiving day.
domestic resonable is like $300-$385 for a 100iu kit...$200-250 is what my guy pays for it, $450 means its goin through 3 or more come we can dicuss prices in the gh forum not the steroid forum??? food for thought
Thanks to everyone for the replies
Discussing prices (in theory) isnt really frowned upon but discussing sources or asking for them tends to be
I pay 220$ too from china
$1.50 iu and do not pm me..
i can't find gh for a decent price either.
Those asking for pm's of sources, be wary and check out any response with a mod or well trusted bro on here....even though Einstien proved that to be faulty at times as well.
Originally Posted by toolman
true.... for a domestic HGH source, $3 an iu is not a bad deal at all
Whats with everyone being so hostile? I would think no buddy would just pm people and ask for ..... but whatever. Suggesting that pms would be appreciated is another subject.Originally Posted by bluethunder
Hostile?? Think again bro I'm not being hostile just smart. WHY would I give out infomation on someone who pm's me asking for my source and they have no reputation here on AR and its there 1st thread? It has already been done ,someone with no post made his 1st through a pm! If it is someone who I beleive in then okay. Also if that person has not enough infomation in their profile not evan a date born then do not expect nothing. Im not going to compromise giving out infomation to a 18,19 or 20yr old in regards to a source . No hostilities here...Originally Posted by Syndicate
Last edited by bluethunder; 11-26-2004 at 06:58 AM.
I was no directing it to just you BLUE, I was generalizing the things I see alot here. Sorry if by quoting you, you felt it was just towards you.
Agreed. I get pmed for sources as well and ignore them all.Originally Posted by bluethunder
cant get kits that cheap - i am jealous
I always paid a bit more because I trusted my source.
Dayum bt that's a good price
yea brotha what he saidOriginally Posted by bluethunder
that price is dayum cheap. payin 2.25 isn't bad, so i dotn complain. Can get it for 2.85 domestic, which is what i end up using, because although my china man is average, for domestic i've never seen it below $3.00.
if i could get it for $1.5 per iu i'd move to china![]()
if you lived in china I have herd that it can be had for just under 1.0iu
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