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Thread: T-3 and LR3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    T-3 and LR3

    We know that t-3 increases IGF-1 BP at doses over 50mcg or so, using it at high doses with HGH negates the raised IGF-1 from the HGH because it'll be bound by IGF-1 BP. Which leave an expensive fat bruner and isn't working for preseving your muscle. So the advise is use AAS with t-3 to presever muscle, one of the mechinisims of AAS is raised IGF-1 but with high doses of t-3 it's binding the IGF-1 that the AAS is producing.

    Here's something that will help, LR3 IGF-1 binds poorly to IGF-1 BP, so you would have elevated IGF-1 levels and IGF-1 BP couldn't bind this very well giving you the added protection your hard earned muscle need during high t-3 cycle.

    I haven't tried it but it would seem that the addition of LR3 IGF-1 to the AAS during a high dose cycle of t-3 would help preserve those muscle we are all working so hard to get.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    thats some good info as usual bro.

    Has anyone tried it? I see RedBaron reading

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    I'm running 12.5 mcg T3 and 5iu GH throughout my current AAS cycle. Next week I start a 4 week run of igtropin (weeks 5,6,7 & 8 of my cycle).
    I have 28 days to play with, how does this look:
    2 days @ 20mcg
    2 days @ 40mcg
    2 days @ 60mcg
    2 days @ 80mcg
    6 days @ 100mcg
    3 days @ 80mcg
    3 days @ 60mcg
    4 days @ 40mcg
    4 days @ 20mcg
    What do you think guys?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    The T3 and GH doses are spot on. I usually just run 60mcg's ED for 30-45 days, but I suppose a ramp up might be a bit more "side" friendly. While it certainly wouldn't hurt you, I don't know that I would bother ramping back down. After you quit your cycle, you body will handle the ramping down itself.

    You may just want to ramp up from 20mcgs up to about 80mcgs. 100mcgs for your first run might be a little probably will get more than adequate results at 80mcgs.
    Thanks for the help (once again) RedBaron!
    Have you started your cycle yet bro?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Yep, started Nov. 1 .... will be running up through early summer. How about you, your cycle going well?
    Hmm... OK, started same time as you, I now realise however that my parabolan is most likely fake. My source is very well known and respected though and still swears by it, claims that negma never stopped making it, just had to appear to in order to follow the french government's new regulations. One thing I do know however is that I feel way more irritable than I normally do on cycle (its my first time with tren) so I'd like to think there's some tren in there - probably all in my head though!
    Still, the enan and prim is def OK and I have the 5 weeks of winstrol to end on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Finally someone who has tried it, I've posted this at a few boards before posting here just to see what kind of a reaction I'd get. A lot of people looked at it but only a few relied to it, all positive.

    RB thanks for the first hand info, I thought my therory would pan out but I like getting feedback forn other before going dogmatic on something


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