i'm 35yrs old and weigh 210lbs and have about 18% BF. i'm thinking of starting GH soon and want to know what would be the best gear to stack it with. i don't want to use AS because i don't want to deal with the sides...mostly acne which i think i would be prone to.
what would be the best stacker to use with GH (4-5 iu's ED) and how much BF (% wise) would i expect to lose on a six month cycle?
my main goal is to lose the spare tire but lean muscle mass is a close second, i lift 4 days a week and can bench 275lbs so i'm not quite a newbe. my diet mostly consist of chicken, fish, steak, protein shakes with complex carb powder and glutimein mixed with non-fat milk, wheat bread, bananas and 1/2 - 1 gal water a day. other that than i cheat every now and then with a cookie or some pancakes but that's about it.