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  1. #1
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Slin BEFORE workout for increased pump... advisable?

    I've read articles where bros wrote about injecting insulin before a workout to increase the workout pump. The thought of having mind blowing slin induced pumps during a training session while not being on juice is tempting. I just started using 10iu's to aid nutrient transport PWO.

    I was thinking to take 5iu's subq before a workout and 5iu's IM immediately after. During my 45min-1hr workout instead of water, I'd sip on a solution high in dextrose with glutamine mixed in as well. I'd keep glucose tabs on me just incase I still felt any signs of hypo....

    Is this a good idea or is the risk simply not worth the pump? Thanks

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I have heard of people using slin pre-workout, but I would not recomend this to anyone as it can be highly dangerous. If you were to do it, then I would have a carbohydrate drink on you at all times during the workout.

    I see where you are coming from by doing Sub-Q injections pre-workout and IM PWO. But IMO, I would just stick to IM PWO because I dont think you would really benefit that much extra if you did take a dose pre-workout. So if you are not benefiting that much extra then its not worth the risk. I start taking risks when the extra benefits become worth it. And in this case, I dont think they are.

  3. #3
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    Yea most/if not all people that were using this practice were not using Humalog, but Humulin-R, and sub-q. This way the onset would be much slower, and the pump WOULD be crazy.

    Either way, that is still a dangerous practice, and there is no evidence that it has benefits over using humalog PWO.

    with humulin-r its dangerous, i heard somebody try it with humalog IM, now THAT is just suicidal!

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