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  1. #1
    cryptkeeper is offline New Member
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    Lightbulb BEST ANDROGEN FREE CYCLE: gh, t3, long r3 igf1, & slin

    MAIN GOAL: lose bodyfat and preserve ALL muscle mass!
    this is my plan so far for the new year. ITS A 12 WEEKER. what do you bros think?

    GH: (all in AM)4 IU daily for 12wks
    T3: (all in AM)25mcg first 5 days, 50mcg throughout, Last 10 days- 25mcg for 5, 12.5 mcg for 5
    long r3 igf-1: (all in AM)40mcg for first 3 wks and last 3wks
    slin: 5IU postworkout(w/creatine & carbs) on training days during the 6wks between the 2 igf minicycles.

    workouts would be 4-5x a wk in late afternoon betwn 4-7pm
    the only thing on this list i have no experience with is the igf-1, so any input on the structure of this 3 month plan is greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by cryptkeeper; 12-12-2004 at 09:26 PM.

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Bro I'd go 16 weeks at 3iu, 1.5 in the am, use your LR3 post workout and an afternoon shot of another 1.5 iu HGH. Run the LR3 for 4 weeks with the slin in the 4 weeks between the next LR3 run, then slin that last 4 weeks. You t3 can be run at 12.5 for the whole cycle, I would go 50mcg that at the boarder line of causing IGF-1 Binding Protein to be elevated, which would be counterproductive to the HGH.

    Be extra careful with slin while trying to lose b/f, if you've never run slin before I would say don't run it with this cycle.

    Why not a low dose of test with this cycle?


  3. #3
    cryptkeeper is offline New Member
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    QUOTE:You t3 can be run at 12.5 for the whole cycle, I would go 50mcg that at the boarder line of causing IGF-1 Binding Protein to be elevated, which would be counterproductive to the HGH.

    can you elaborate on this. its not exactly clear to me as to what u are trying to say about 50mcg of t3.

    and how can the slin make me fat if i carb load the right way with it and i never ago above 5IU's?

    and how come only 3IU's GH?
    Last edited by cryptkeeper; 12-14-2004 at 01:08 AM.

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryptkeeper
    QUOTE:You t3 can be run at 12.5 for the whole cycle, I would go 50mcg that at the boarder line of causing IGF-1 Binding Protein to be elevated, which would be counterproductive to the HGH.

    can you elaborate on this. its not exactly clear to me as to what u are trying to say about 50mcg of t3.
    Bro it was a typo, I meant to say "I wouldn't do 50mcg" t3 raises IGF-1 binding Protein, the main effects of HGH are it raises IGF-1. So if you are taking t3 at a dose that raises IGF-1 BP you are make the HGH none efective for preserving muscle.

    and how can the slin make me fat if i carb load the right way with it and i never ago above 5IU's?
    You need to re-read that, I never said it would make you fat.

    and how come only 3IU's GH?
    The longer you run HGH the better the results.


  5. #5
    cryptkeeper is offline New Member
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    interesting, i didnt know t3 could do that.

    but why only 12.5mcg and not a replacement level of 25mcg at least. i always heard that a stack of only 4IU gh daily and 25-50mcg of t3 produced amazing fat loss results on its own.

    and wouldnt the long r3 igf1 make that whole t3 binding protein thing a non issue because there would now be an overabdundance of igf in the body with gh and igf being run together?

    also, how would you do the slin with the type of program i outlined and you improved upon?
    Last edited by cryptkeeper; 01-02-2005 at 06:54 PM.

  6. #6
    cryptkeeper is offline New Member
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    Dec 2004
    johnnyb, if u can answer my last post on this thread, i would greatly appreciate it. the time is nearing for me to start this stack. thanks again!

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