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  1. #1
    slowpain's Avatar
    slowpain is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004

    Type II diabetic questions..

    My friend is a type II diabetic and he is starting to take novolog after his workouts, today he took 3 units of novolog and only 50grams of 50%dextrose and 50%maltodextrin mix with 25 grams whey. 1 hour after his blood glucose was 250. I told him next time he needs to take more slin maybe 6 units. I think he should keep the Dextrose maltodextrin amount at 50 grams and play with the insulin amounts until he gets his BG in the correct range. What do you guys think? This guy is just starting to work out and has'nt touched weights in about 6 years, his doctor also did'nt tell him jack about how to take his slin correctly either. He only takes the slin once a day, maybe he should take it in the morning also because before he went to the gym today his BG was 220.

    Also another question I have is are all fats bad to eat after you inject slin? Are good fats like fish oil and flax seed oil going to do the same thing if you eat them righ after you take slin?

  2. #2
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    He should get another doctor!

  3. #3
    slowpain's Avatar
    slowpain is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    ahh I see so eventually there is a point where too much slin and carbs can be too much for the body to obsorb and then it stores it as fat. The guy is like 6'8" 215lbs so he has alot of room to grow. So maybe instead of your 7-8 grams of carbs per IU of slin, maybe he needs like 4-6 grams carbs per IU of slin because he is diabetic. Just probably wouldnt be wise for him to take too many carbs like I take after weight training. This stuff can be very confusing.

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