frank_frank, dale -
Your expectations seem reasonable enough. An HGH cycle is going to help you with some modest lean muscle gains and some fat loss. The threads you hear about gaining 20-30 pounds in a short amount of time are NOT what you are going to get from HGH ... unless you end up shooting 20IU's a day from day one and end up causing EXTREME bloat carrying 20 pound of water weight!!!

The flip side to this is that something else is amiss when you read threads about people not making ANY progress with a cycle including HGH. The best suggestion if you find yourself a few months in minus ANY progress would be to get a blood workup and check your hormone levels, etc. I would strongly suspect something is out of whack if no progress, or something is wrong with the HGH/gear. Beyond those possibilities, you should make some reasonable progress.
For the most part a HGH cycle will help you change body composition without a big change in the scale. You will usually notice little movement in your weight, but you will notice that you are getting leaner and bigger. It is a slow, steady process and not one that you will notice an enormous change overnight. Dale, using HGH with a few hundred mg of test will be sufficient to give you some decent results.
If you go into an HGH cycle with the expectations that you guys have, I think you will be pleased with the results. If on the other hand you buy into the hype that HGH is the panacea for all bodybuilding woes and will somehow turn you into a 7 foot, 400 pound, 2% bodyfat person with incredible immunity and great skin overnight, all the while having a diet consisting of 12 cases of twinkies and ho-ho's a day ... you will be EXTREMELY dissapointed. It does help many of your body's systems, and will help you with some modest gains ... but the progress is slow and steady, and you do need to pay reasonable attention to your diet.
Best of luck. Keep us posted on how you progress.