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Thread: Slin research

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Slin research

    I wanted to know where is the best place to do some research on slin. I want to include slin in my next cycle and the research I've done does not make me feel confident enough to begin using it. I have gotten some info from books like Anaabolics 04, Explosive Growth, and Anabolic Edge. These books are good but not enough info on Humalog. I have learned alot here but I need some more info and hoped some of you guys would post up some of your favorite medical websites, or recomend some books that cover this. Thanks-03636

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    I think there is a ton of info here... as far as books go no... Most dont use humalog, and hardly any shoot IM.... Just check out all of the anabolic websites, and search around on them. Cool thing about AR is the fact that there are tons of people on here, and this board has been around for a long time.... tons of great info here!

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    You've defenitely come to the right place if you want to learn. Here, try reading this thread, it will give you a fair idea on what Insulin is all about, and how to use it. Good luck to you.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    I think there is a ton of info here... as far as books go no... Most dont use humalog, and hardly any shoot IM....
    This is a very accurate statement. I have spoken with four different medical doctors, a dietician, and collegiate strength coach all with PhD's in their respected fields and none of them were aware that athletes even used Insulin for anabolic purposes. After getting them over the shock of the issue that people use insulin that arent diabetic, I began asking questions and unanimously they all said that you would not become a diabetic if you "cycle" (4 weeks on/off) and that it really would have no negative impact on your overall health. I knew nothing, absolutely nothing about slin, about 3-4 months ago, but began doing some research here and a few other places and now I feel pretty confident in my slin knowledge. has a good insulin forum if you want to check them out also. Do a search in this forum for words like question, FAQ, and other inquisistive words because generally those posts have to do with someone just like yourself trying to grasp the concept of safe slin use.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks for the help out. I have been reading alot here, there are alot of people here with some good info. I want to get together all of the key factors to using insulin and make up some kind of guide to follow when I begin. It seems like there are so many important points involved. You are right when you say books don't realy cover the subject for bodybuilding use. I just don't want to make a mistake that I won't be around to regret.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    I see what your saying.... that insulin.text seems to be really good. There are some posts by RedBaron that are a good read if you want a basic overview... I am not sure if they are posted here though...

    *Edit* I just posted it.... check it out
    Last edited by Mr. Sparkle; 01-08-2005 at 01:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks...another thing I am having a realy hard time finding an answer to is the syringe problem. I want to be exactly sure on this because every bit of text I have read makes it perfectly clear that you need a 100u syringe. That sounds straight forward enough to me, but I cant find a true 100u syringe anywhere. I have been able to find insulin needles on lots of websites, and on ARR. The one vital piece of information left out is that none of the sites I've been to let you know whether the insulin syringe they sell is a 100u or not. I set up my own thread to get this answer but can't get it. any 1cc syringe a 100u syringe or do they have to be a straight up 100u? It seems like this would be a simple question to me but I just can't find a straight answer on this one. By the way those links were a big help. It sounds like the trick is knowing when and what to eat during the active life of your slin. Thanks again to Mr.Sprkle and Gear for those posting links, they were a big help. I don't know what I did wrong when I was searching because I never got to those.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 03636
    Thanks...another thing I am having a realy hard time finding an answer to is the syringe problem.
    I go to walgreens and get mine. They dont require a prescription there. I just tell them I want .5 cc, U-100, Long needle insulin syringes. They come in 10 packs so I usually grab like 30 of them or so for $8. Tell them exactly what you want and they should help you out. You can call ahead and tell them you are from out of town and are a diabetic and want to know if you need your slin script to get more pins. This way you can find out if they will sell them to you without a script or not.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

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