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  1. #1
    Kevan's Avatar
    Kevan is offline Associate Member
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    Afraid to go over 3 IU's

    I took 2 IU's the first time and 3 IU's the second time, right after my work out. This is Humlog, with in about 5 min of injection, drank some Celltech which has lots of dextrose, something like 38g of carbs. This alone should be enough to stop me from going hypo, but my blood levels still fell to 3.1 which is too low. I started to not feel right and vision was blurred, had another drink of Celltech and in about 10 mins i felt fine. I did have 50g of protein about 20min after the shot. Anyone monitor their blood closely while doing slin?? Is this normal? Should I try going higher, and just injest more simple carbs?
    Appreciate your thoughts.

  2. #2
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    everyone reacts different,you need to find your comfort zone,you are probably just sensitive to insulin ,which by the way is great for you.just take it slow and be cautious

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well this is something different, usually people are complaining because they don't feeling the effects at all. But as for you, even at 2 - 3IU which are very low doses, it sounds like you are defenitely feeling the effects. It's not about how much you take, like DEVLDOG said, it's about finding the comfort zone. Everyone is different and everyone reacts differently, so stick to a dose that you feel most cumfy with. Good luck and be very carefull.


  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Blood glucose was 3.1 what type of mesurment is that, in the USA the range is between 80-120


  5. #5
    Kevan's Avatar
    Kevan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Blood glucose was 3.1 what type of mesurment is that, in the USA the range is between 80-120

    I was asking what kind of instrument you guys are using.. if you look up blood glucose (on the net), it will give you readings of about 3 or 4 to a high of 7 or 8 with the norm of about 5. Mine is a normal diabetic blood monitor.
    Last edited by Kevan; 01-10-2005 at 10:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You must be using a different kind of BG instrument which is fine, but only confuses some people as they are used to using monitors that measure BG levels in mg/dl. As long as you know how to use it there is no problem.


  7. #7
    Smeltfisher's Avatar
    Smeltfisher is offline Junior Member
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    I know In Canada the lower numbers are used.. mmol/L millimoles/liter

    I usually run 4.7 - 5.1, when I take a shot I drop to 3.8 - 4.9.
    I have gone as low as 3.0 but that gives me the shakes and it's time for some shhuuggar.....

    Last edited by Smeltfisher; 01-11-2005 at 08:33 PM.

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