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Thread: Insulin (IGF-1) Without Needles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Insulin (IGF-1) Without Needles

    A breakthrough system that delivers insulin to diabetics without using needles is being developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and DelRx, a New Jersey pharmaceutical company. Roughly similar to an inhaler, the system is ready for large-scale clinical trials, according to Dr. Bill Williams, associate professor in the UT College of Pharmacy.

    "This takes the needles out of insulin. It's very exciting," Williams says. "To have a painless administration of insulin would be a major breakthrough. Kids or adults--no one wants to inject."

    The delivery system has been successful when administered to animals. The next step is testing on human subjects and seeking approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

    Williams explains that DelRx of Jamesburg, N.J., has "a novel composition containing insulin in combination with a novel delivery route through the inside of the cheek. It is called transmucosal delivery. You use this device that looks like an inhaler--spraying into the mouth, aiming at the cheek area. The insulin is deposited on the buccal membrane."

    DelRx is a subsidiary of MQS, Inc., which has funded the two-year research project. Dr. Miles Libbey, DelRx president, states: "We are still very early in this, but it has worked well in animal models. We believe the system will have wide application for insulin dependent diabetics."

    Libbey became interested in an easier delivery system in the mid-1970s after his 9-year-old son, Benjamin, was diagnosed with juvenile Type II diabetes. Dealing with diabetes is hard on both parents and children. "It was a heart-breaking experience to find out that your child has a disease that, in all likelihood, he will have to live with all this life. That is compounded when you are preparing needles for your child several times a day," Libbey says.

    Until recently, Type II diabetes has largely been diagnosed in adults over the age of 40. However, a growing number of children are showing evidence of the disease. Type II diabetes is an epidemic among Mexican Americans in Texas. The chronic disease can have very serious side effects, including blindness and problems with the feet, sometimes leading to amputation. Medication and changes in exercise and diet can reduce complications that often result.

    Williams explains that better control and more convenience are two major benefits of the system. First, instead of injecting insulin, a diabetic would be able to control blood glucose level with a certain number of puffs into the mouth. "What the company envisions is that patients would be able to use this spray multiple times throughout the day so they can better control the blood glucose level," Williams says.

    Diabetics need to take a short-acting insulin before each meal to control the glucose increase caused by the meal. Then the insulin should stop acting. Williams says the new system may prove superior to some of the current, short-acting, injectable insulin products taken before meals, because the effects of those products may last too long, overlapping with the next meal.

    Convenience also is a benefit. At present, injectable insulin must be refrigerated.

    "What we have come up with in collaboration is a delivery system that is stable at room temperature. This inhaler device does not have to be stored in a refrigerator, which makes it very convenient for patients," Williams says.

    Libbey maintains that taking needles out of the process and making application more convenient should mean that patient compliance with medical requirements increases as well, leading to better results. It's uncertain how soon the device could be made available on the market to the nation's 16 million diabetics.

    "We've had preliminary discussions with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and we are very encouraged by their preliminary reaction," Libbey says.

    Williams cites the project as a good example of the ways in which the private sector can work with a public research institution. "This is a beautiful example of collaboration between a pharmaceutical company and a university," says the Pharmacy professor and former UT student (BS '81, PhD '86) who has taught at UT Austin since 1995. "It's a win-win for both the University and for DelRx

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Insulin but no needle needed. Not that I mind jabbing myself, but that sounds good. Things seem to get better and better these days, although Im wondering if it's really going to be as effective as injecting Insulin.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    you know whos paying DelRx for use of their technology dont u? and not for insulin but something else

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