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  1. #1
    symmetry101 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2004

    Why do only my left knuckles hurt on HGH??

    I've been on growth for 5 weeks now, currently running 3iu's, and the past 2 weeks my knuckles on my left hand hurt. It's not bad enough to stop me from lifting but at times it does get in the way of gripping a heavy weight. The pain comes and goes only in my 3 finger on the left side. I started at a low dose and over the period of several weeks I worked my way up to 3 iu's. Is this a nautural side of growth???

  2. #2
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    i got the same pain dude. in my left nuckles only

  3. #3
    ducatibob is offline Junior Member
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    North East USA
    I don't have the pain in my knuckles, but I took longer to ramp up. I've tried a few "larger" dose days and only my left hand goes numb. I drop back down and the numbness goes away. Try dropping back down to 2 or 2.5 IUs for a few days and see if the symptoms go away. If so keep it there for a week or two and then ramp it back up.

  4. #4
    symmetry101 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2004
    That what i'll do, i'll go back down to 2 then work my way back to 3.. It's still really weird that its only on the left side..

    Frogg- are you taking jintropin or another brand??

  5. #5
    big4nuthin is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2004

    Both hands numb and always tingling

    especially when I clench my fist. Terrble in the morning, but comes and goes throughout the day. Currently using 4-6 iu's a day of Jintropin and nutropin.

  6. #6
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

  7. #7
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    London Baby
    i get numbness in my hands during the night and in the morning but no pain
    and mainly on the left hand

  8. #8
    mixxin is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004
    This is really strange. My left elbow joint has been sore since I started GH.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    yes, jin has wrecked my joints, I dont think the femara helps either.....

    knees, kuckles, elbows are most notable.....first 10 minutes of my workout is tough, but once I got warmed up I have no joint pain while training.

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