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Thread: Need some help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state

    Need some help...

    ok im thinking about taking my first plunge into HGH. im 22 5'8 210lbs with about 13% bf. gonna be starting a cycle of test 1000mg/week and deca @ 600mg/week. thinking about adding some HGH in after talking to a few buddies. what im looking at doing is packing on as much mass as possible. now the questions...... i can get my hands on either somotrophin or jino. the somo is cheaper 300 for a 120 iu kit than the jino 3.50 an iu. now i have heard from a few people to spent the extra for jino then i have also heard somo will be good for my first time? also i was planning on going 4iu/day 5on/2 off, also t3 @ 12.5mcg/day and possibly using some slin( used it before and loved it, but wasnt careful with my diet)

    what do u guys reccoemdn for my first HGH run?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i would start at 2 ius then work ur way up to 4ius. im using jin and love it. run it for at least 6 mths. other than that u should b good to go. just make sure ur educated on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I would recommend that you wait about 6 to 8 years....

    but if you insist then I would start at 2iu x 7days...and move up from there...

    what do your previous cycles look like??? and what is your over-all goal???
    Last edited by bmf2; 01-17-2005 at 07:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by bmf2
    I would recommend that you wait about 6 to 8 years....

    but if you insist then I would start at 2iu x 7days...and move up from there...

    what do your previous cycles look like??? and what is your over-all goal???

    previous cycles in clude 2 fina only and one fina test( i know i was stupid this was before the i found AR and proper methods) then ive done test eq winny, and test alone.

    overall goals are to just gain mass. about the 2iu a day for 7 days..... how do u konw when to jump up the dose? ive heard conflicting info about amount to start at and all that stuff, so that is why i am asking.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    start at 2 then go up to 2 1/2 couple days later and so on. if u start gettin sore wrists and any signs of carapl syndrome go back down a little and work up slowly. it all depends on how u react to it. JMO...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i personally am fine at 4ius, little sore sometimes in my wrists but its barable. my buddy is doin 3ius and cant go anyhigher cause he gets carpal too badly. onlt side i really get is my arms falling asleep very easily

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    well you want to see how you handle 2iu first... some have no problems others have numbing in the hands arms...and other problems at just 2iu... then others move up rapidly with no problems... so start with 2 iu and give yourself at least a week to see if you see any sides... the proceed with 3 iu...

    Personally I feel you need to do some more reading on this subject before jumping on hgh... for one thing at your age you really have no reason to as you will not benifet near as much as I feel you think you will... read some of the threads on here the questions others are asking and the people answering are some of the same questions you have....

    You would honestly benifet more from a well planned cycle and training hard with good diet than from starting gh at this time....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bmf2
    well you want to see how you handle 2iu first... some have no problems others have numbing in the hands arms...and other problems at just 2iu... then others move up rapidly with no problems... so start with 2 iu and give yourself at least a week to see if you see any sides... the proceed with 3 iu...

    Personally I feel you need to do some more reading on this subject before jumping on hgh... for one thing at your age you really have no reason to as you will not benifet near as much as I feel you think you will... read some of the threads on here the questions others are asking and the people answering are some of the same questions you have....

    You would honestly benifet more from a well planned cycle and training hard with good diet than from starting gh at this time....
    im goin to have to disagree with u on the age thing, im 22 and taking 4 ius. there is no evidence saying u should wait til ur 30+ to do gh. i think at any reasonable age gh is benefical!

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