Thread: Injecting claves with LR3 IGF-1
02-08-2005, 03:41 PM #1
Injecting claves with LR3 IGF-1
How many of you guys do this? I was doing quite a few calf injections of winny until I read an article on this site that said how bad it is to inject calves for site enhancement. Is it realy that big a deal injecting such a small volume of IGF-1? Also you are using a slin pin which is only a 29g pin so the risk of blood clots is low right? Who does it?
02-10-2005, 01:16 AM #2
I read the same article on here regarding calf injections but I still inject my IGF into them
02-10-2005, 12:39 PM #3
I don't see a prob, but I've never done it
02-10-2005, 02:18 PM #4
Calf injections ain't a walk in the park, they do hurt...alot
But if you wanna make 'em grow then go for it!
02-12-2005, 01:53 AM #5
yea I think im not gona sweat shooting the calves with IGF-1, I was shooting them with winny and that freakin hurt but I didnt care about the pain as long as they were growing, just quite because I didnt want a blood clot to form down there, im gona go with the small insulin syringe injections though.
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