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  1. #1
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Many Many Pin Questions!

    I'll be starting a cycle of Genotropin soon(whats your opinion on this? I havent seen it being used on this board) I was thinking about starting out 1 IU a day, working up to 3IU. Does that sound good or would I be better going to 3 IU right off the bat? Some I have seen are splitting 3 IU into 2 injections during the day, would this be necessary or just preference? Also, should I go ED then switch to 5 on 2 off or always use the 5 on 2 off method? I was also thinking what if someone did 4 days, off 1, inject the next, then off, then repeat? So it would be 4 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, repeat. What types of pins do you like? I have been recommended 29" 1/2" in my other post(Im assuming that means 29 guage 1/2 inch, am I right?) Lastly a question about injections. I have read hundreds of different injection types. Some say pinch the skin and inject right under where you pinch. Some like to put the needle in half way, others prefer to go as deep as they can. What would be most beneficial?

    So the questions are...

    1. How many IU's to start with?
    2. One or two injections throughout the day?
    3. What days to inject?
    4. What types of needles are best for Genotropin?
    5. Do the pins measure in Mg or IU, because my Gen. is in Mg.
    6. Best way to inject?

    Thanks so much to everyone on this site who has helped out, it has made my life easier than you could ever imagine! Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Homer 8 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2004
    i have used gen.
    1. i use 2 i.u e.d
    2. one injection a day
    3. inject e.d
    4.use insulin needles
    5. they measure in i.u but 10 i.u is one mg
    6. the best way to inject is pinch the skin near the stomach and stick the pin all the way in and inject. its the easiest injection ever u can put air and all in it does nothing.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Some split doses in 1/2, having the first dose in the AM and the second dose around 2pm. Also, you don't have to have ED injections, you can easily get away with 5/2 and still get good results. Either way is good.


  4. #4
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    Thanks a lot for the responses! On a medical website it said that 1 Mg was the equivalent to 3 IU. What time did you stick yourself? I work out at 5:30 AM so what would be best for me? How long did you take your Gen for and how did you cycle off? thank you!

  5. #5
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    Does anyone else have any helpful knowledge? Sorry about the bump of my own topic, I just really would like to get the best information, and I know you guys are the ones to give it to me!

  6. #6
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    Best advice I could give you right now is read as much as u can on this board, you'll get quicker answers. FOr anything else u can't find, bro's will be more than happy to help.

  7. #7
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks. I have been reading a lot and these are the questions I am still sure about. I read a lot of varying information and I wanted to collect it all in one thread. Thanks for the suggestion though, I know I need to keep reading cuz I am still really oblivious to some of this stuff.

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