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Thread: More insulin with GH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    More insulin with GH

    First, some info I've read

    -PW insulin should be 1iu/20lbs - 1iu/10lbs
    -everyone's sensitivity to insulin is different
    -your insulin sensitivity is lower when on gh

    It seems in may posts I've read that people seem to stop at 10iu insulin. I'm on 6iu GH per day now, and am injecting 18iu insulin. I found that 20iu insulin is where I start to notice symptoms of hypoglycemia so I backed off to 18iu.

    I guess my question is... does 18iu insulin PW while on GH seem reasonable?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hey bro, I really wouldn't be deciding how much Insulin you should take by how heavy you are. If you are a beginner and are fairly heavy, and you decide that you are going to take "x" amount of Insulin by following the dose/weight theory, you could get yourself into some serious trouble. So here is what you should take into consideration when using Insulin.

    As a beginner there is no need to breach the 10IU mark no matter how heavy you are. Even if you are very experienced with Insulin, you can still stick with 10IU as that dose is enough for good results. However, people like to experiment by increasing the dose, so you can always increase the dose if you like. Once you start taking 10IU+, there is no need to breach the 20IU mark. I can't say I know of anyone that uses more than 20IU. 20IU is the absoloute max you should use and even that dose I do not recomend. I would say that most people are happy with doses between 8 - 15IU.

    Another thing that you must keep in mind is that everyone's Insulin sensetivity is different. So you may weight 185LB and take 15IIU and feel fine. I may weigh 225LB take 15IU and simply could not tolerate the symptoms. Everyone is different, therefore everyone reacts differently. It is all about finding that comfort zone where you will get minimum side effects, and maximum results. So till you find your comfy zone, you are going to have to experiment by using yourself as a ginny pig. This can be dangerous especially when using Insulin, so be carefull. But like I said above, common dose is 10IU, a lot of people take 15IU which is a fairly high dose is you ask me, and not too many people cross the 15IU mark and if they do, they don't dare take anymore than 20IU.

    So, IMO your Insulin doses while on HGH are insane. For good results, there really is no need to pass the 10IU mark as that is enough for satisfying enough results. But if you are satisfied by the results that you are getting then stick with what you are doing.

    Also, another thing I would like to add in is, if you are not getting symptoms from Insulin, it does not mean Insulin is not doing its job. Insulin symptoms are just side effects, and side effects don't necessaraly have to appear. So don't keep on increasing the dose because you are not going hypo. Hypo simply means "back up on the dose".

    Anyway, to cut this short, when using Insulin start off at a low dose, and most people are happy enough to take 10IU and stay on 10IU.

    Hope that cleared up a few things for you.

    Last edited by Gear; 02-26-2005 at 12:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Thank you Gear for your help

    so it looks like I have done it right. I slowly increased my way to 20iu while keeping my post workout meals consitent. I started noticing sides at 20iu, so I cut back to 18iu and I'm fine.

    GH lowers your sensitivity to insulin... so I'm thinking that this is why I'm able to use a higher dose of insulin.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    do you have to take slin while on GH?
    ive heard you do but i doubt its true... am i wrong?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'm new to Gh and slin. There are a number of guys here who say that gh is usless for muscle growth without slin. and also that GH, Slin, T3, test are the way to go. I wish I could give you reasons. I"m hoping someone with experience using Gh and slin can help with these questions.

    thanks again Gear for you time and help. I always find your posts quality information.
    Last edited by JoeB; 02-26-2005 at 01:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    do you have to take slin while on GH?
    ive heard you do but i doubt its true... am i wrong?
    You don't have to take Insulin when using HGH.


  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeB
    I'm new to Gh and slin. There are a number of guys here who say that gh is usless for muscle growth without slin. and also that GH, Slin, T3, test are the way to go. I wish I could give you reasons. I"m hoping someone with experience using Gh and slin can help with these questions.

    thanks again Gear for you time and help. I always find your posts quality information.
    Once again, as mentioned above, you don't have to use Insulin if you are using HGH. It is there for additional benefits only. The combination you stated above is what a majority of people follow (HGH/Insulin/T3/Test).


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