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Thread: Igf For Lagging Pec Will This Work?

  1. #1

    Igf For Lagging Pec Will This Work?

    I need to get some localized growth in my lower left pec, it lacks fullness. Will 80micrograms of igf injected 3 times a week PWO for 4 weeks into the lower region of my left pec do anything? I am on a anadrol and test cycle at the time and getting neuromuscular work done on the left pec to help loosen the tight muscle up so it can grow.

    Suggestions are welcome!
    Last edited by muscularmodel; 03-04-2005 at 09:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    IGf-1 probably yes, LR3 IGF-1 probably no, LR3 doesn't stay in the injection sitr like rIGF-1


  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    What JohnnyB told you is the basic consensus on this issue, bro. I know that some guys, like RB, have reported LR3 to have some site enhancement in the smaller muscle groups, but none in the larger. You'll just have to see for yourself, bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hit the dumbells

    How many cycles have you done?


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Hit the dumbells

    How many cycles have you done?


    I am happy with my size of my larger pec, I just need localized growth in the other less dense one and I need it faster
    Last edited by muscularmodel; 03-04-2005 at 06:01 PM.

  7. #7
    actually, I just got my labs back and I wont be needing any igf or gh, lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Id not fool with this as a way to fix your problem.... Id just train with dumbells...

  9. #9
    I have the exact some problem I havent tried the LR yet for this but getting ready. I know you guys think it can be solved by simply training the other side harder but that isnt always the case. He sounds like he probably has the same problem as me. It isnt a case of training one side harder thanthe other. More genetic. Tell me more about the neuro muscular work you are having done please. Very interested.


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleResearch
    I have the exact some problem I havent tried the LR yet for this but getting ready. I know you guys think it can be solved by simply training the other side harder but that isnt always the case. He sounds like he probably has the same problem as me. It isnt a case of training one side harder thanthe other. More genetic. Tell me more about the neuro muscular work you are having done please. Very interested.

    my problem comes down to my left mid to lower pec being very tight and not loosening up like the right, it takes a loose muscle to grow thick and dense. So over the years I developed an imbalance. (even though I always have stretched chest, even between sets)

    the neuromuscular work is done by a massage therapist, I happen to know two therapists that I consult with. It comes down to trigger points, heres a brief description I cut and pasted.

    The part of a muscle fiber that actually does the contracting is a microscopic unit called a sarcomere. Contraction occurs in a sarcomere when its two parts come together and interlock like fingers. Millions of sarcomeres have to contract in your muscles to make even the smallest movement. A trigger point exists when over stimulated sarcomeres are chemically prevented from releasing from their interlocked state.

    heres a good site on trigger points

    I have already seen improvement, I am mainly doing this one(anadrol,test) cycle to make my left pec fill out quickly, I am focusing mainly on left pec so all of my bodies recovery stores can focus on one muscle.

    at this point I think igf would be a waste of money, I am getting results already and fast

  11. #11
    Keep me up to date if you will. I am very interested in your progress. My main problem lies in the lower outer right chest and the upper inner right chest. Straight across the middle its pretty even. How is your training looking for chest. Do you do lots of extra sets for the left?


  12. #12
    lately since I am really trying to bring it up and fast, I hit only the lower left and middle. keep u posted

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