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Thread: Few Questions On IGF?

  1. #1

    Few Questions On IGF?


    1) IGF is very fragile as we all know. We can't shake the bottle or even the the Slin pin (when its filled w/ IGF and Bac Water). If its this fragile wouldnt shipping it across the country beat the hell out of it making it useless? I mean that box would probally be tossed around, dropped, etc. That seems a lot harsher then shaking the bottle........Am I being to paranoid?

    2) At what temp should it be stored at again? I read different things everyday.

    3) My IGF is pre-mixed w/ both B.A and Hydrocloric Acid. Is this bad? I hear all this sh*t about get it in powder form, NEVER get it pre-mixed, mixing it with "X" will kill it, mixing it with "Z" is the best way to go.........anybody have any advice?

    Thanks fellas!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    hydrochloric acid? Thats some nasty stuff... i didnt know u could put that in your body?
    hydrochloric acid: "Extremely corrosive. Inhalation of vapour can cause serious injury. Ingestion may be fatal. Liquid can cause severe damage to skin and eyes."

    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber

    1) IGF is very fragile as we all know. We can't shake the bottle or even the the Slin pin (when its filled w/ IGF and Bac Water). If its this fragile wouldnt shipping it across the country beat the hell out of it making it useless? I mean that box would probally be tossed around, dropped, etc. That seems a lot harsher then shaking the bottle........Am I being to paranoid?

    2) At what temp should it be stored at again? I read different things everyday.

    3) My IGF is pre-mixed w/ both B.A and Hydrocloric Acid. Is this bad? I hear all this sh*t about get it in powder form, NEVER get it pre-mixed, mixing it with "X" will kill it, mixing it with "Z" is the best way to go.........anybody have any advice?

    Thanks fellas!

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