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  1. #1
    Harp is offline Junior Member
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    6 month gh cycle + gear (?)

    I have about 10 yrs of gear experience but never took the next step. I recently ordered 4 kits of jin.I've been doing lots of research on how to do gh and when to add in gear. the consensus seem to be 3 mos of gh and then add gear. U wait three mos because thats when ur IGF-1 levels are at their highest and ur body will have optimal growth. I want to know if $ was not an issue would it be better to start gear with gh right away and then take a three week PCT break after approx 10 weeks and then do another cycle followed by another PCT session? Total lenght of gh cycle would be 6 to 7 mos at 3 to 4 iu/d. the gear i plan on using is test e , deca , tren , and 3 weeks of d-bol in beggining of cycle #1. thanx for input.

  2. #2
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    If money is not an issue ... add some LR3 to the cycle.

    If you run with HGH, LR3, and your AAS's, I would go ahead and start your gear right away with 2 IU's of HGH and 50-60mcgs of LR3 IGF-1 for the first 5 weeks (HGH first thing in the morning, LR3 immediately post workout IM). Adding the LR3 to the beginning of your cycle will get the IGF-1 levels up right away. After the 5 weeks of LR3 are up, ramp up the HGH to 4 IU's per day. You may wish to consider adding another 5 weeks of LR3 during PCT as well.

    If you don't run LR3, it is true that HGH alone will take many weeks to get your IGF-1 levels up to a level where optimal growth is going to occur, so running it upfront for several weeks helps maximize the benefit of your cycle.
    Good info. You nearly spelled out my next cycle to a tee.

  3. #3
    Harp is offline Junior Member
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    Vancouve BC Canada
    thanx Red Baron. I have not used LR3 before, and only have minnimal knowledge of this stuff. I will research it and see if I want to incorperate it into my cycle. Initial thought is not to positive after reading about devildog's side effects ie;shoe size going from 11.5 to 13 and growing of the adenoids to the point where they have to be removed.

  4. #4
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    How about using the Oratropin1 form of LR3? It seems the results are similar to the injectable. RB??

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