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Thread: Freaking Hand Falling asleep

  1. #1

    Question Freaking Hand Falling asleep

    Man my hand keeps falling asleep when i sleep. I wake up and its killing me. What can i do or is this expected? Im on 4 ius of jin 2am and 2afternooon thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Expected, lower the dose.

  3. #3
    down to what im only doing 4ius a day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i have the same bro, wake up every 2 hours. it's painfull in the night.

    i am on 5ie for almost 4 weeks now. i think i am going to lower the dose to 3ie or something.

  5. #5
    me too my freaking hand fingers tingle just on my right hand though ill be typing here and it will just go to sleep

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yep, happens to me on 3IUs daily. Just something you have to deal with during GH administration. In my case, it seems to improve some as I get three months or so into a six-month cycle.

  7. #7
    how would proviron be to throw in the mix also seems like my gyno is flarring up a little bit too all im doing is the growth and insulin any ideas out there

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    ghb for your sleeping problems

  9. #9
    GHB knocked me the **** out like DEEBO from the movie Friday. That was scary. My GF was punching me and I wouldn't wake up. She thought I was going hypo. My hands always go to sleep though. No biggie, lower the dose. Good luck

  10. #10
    i wish i had some ghb

  11. #11
    i wouldn't recommend giving out advice like using ghb to aid in sleeping. ghb is very dangerous to people that don't know what they are doing

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    ghb for your sleeping problems
    I don't think you can even find it anymore. There was a major crackdown on GHB in my area. I miss it.

  13. #13
    yup i did a year in the big house for ghb

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    I don't think you can even find it anymore. There was a major crackdown on GHB in my area. I miss it.
    which is good imo... when that shlt gets into the wrong guys hands its a dangerous drug...for themselves and girls.

  15. #15
    date rape drug..**** that off.

    Good luck finding pure GHB these days anyway - thats the problem with rec drugs no regulation.

  16. #16
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by zuke
    i wouldn't recommend giving out advice like using ghb to aid in sleeping. ghb is very dangerous to people that don't know what they are doing
    I agree 100%!

    It won't help your hands a damm bit either. The problem is his hands are falling asleep...treat the problem not the symptom.

    Lower the dose, or get used to it. Mine do it anyway...poor circulation. The first month or two on gh and it doens' matter how I position them....they fall asleep at night. Eventually, they got back to normal and just fall asleep when I have them positioned funny.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    You know.. no matter how high a dose I go, i never experience numbness. I must be **** lucky. I know people who get it with 2 ius too!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    which is good imo... when that shlt gets into the wrong guys hands its a dangerous drug...for themselves and girls.
    I hear that. We knew on e guy that OD'ed and died and a friend of mine (a girl) got dosed at a bar. She ended up in the hospital.
    To get back on subject, my hands go numb all the time but it doesn't really bother me. They seem to do it with high doses of test also. I may have a little carpal tunnel too from working on cars all these years and even riding my street bike they fall asleep after about 10 minutes.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    2Iu going into the third week, 6 on 1 off. I have gotten numb in the legs, hands, and ass. I am not certain its the GH. Being as how I am taking in so little. But from what I have read it makes me want to experiment with a higher dose to see what will happen.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    going into my third week also at 2iu and nothing as of yet. thinking of bumping it up to 3iu real soon. god bless china.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaorialfred
    2Iu going into the third week, 6 on 1 off. I have gotten numb in the legs, hands, and ass. I am not certain its the GH. Being as how I am taking in so little. But from what I have read it makes me want to experiment with a higher dose to see what will happen.
    It started for me around week three at 2iu's. My hands go numb just sitting here typing. I don't need to go over 2 because I'm running IGF also.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A lot of people seem to be experiencing the numbness in the hands, but i dont think anyone has said why.
    Does anybody know why or what causes your hands and/or other parts of your body to fall sleep while on hgh? What is it about hgh that causes poor circulation?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Darmstadt, Germany
    I think it s the beginning of the carpal tunnel syndrom. it s the narrowing of the nervus medianus caused by increased volumina of the structure in the tunnel. with gh it s caused of the swelling of the hands...but I m not a medic so I may be wrong.

  24. #24
    ghb=bad news...i remember in high school kids drinking that crap and getting all messed up. also remember a few kids almost dieing and never waking up again.

    isnt it like floor cleaner?! lol

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    lol we r talking about growth hormones not gamma hydroxy buterate

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    ghb for your sleeping problems
    Why half a$$ it? Can't sleep, shoot a little smack...

    If the smack don't work, lower you dose to 3iu for a couple weeks and then try 3.5iu and then go back to 4iu. As your body gets accustomed to elevated hgh levels the side will start to go away.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Darmstadt, Germany
    Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    ghb for your sleeping problems
    **** I m blind lol

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    ghb=bad news...i remember in high school kids drinking that crap and getting all messed up. also remember a few kids almost dieing and never waking up again.

    isnt it like floor cleaner?! lol
    Used to be able to buy it from GNC by the case before they outlawed it. And yes it can be very dangerous if your stupid and abuse it.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I got a good amount of hand numbness at 4iu, but still ran it for a while. Been on 2iu for a few weeks and it's starting to go away.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    I think it s the beginning of the carpal tunnel syndrom. it s the narrowing of the nervus medianus caused by increased volumina of the structure in the tunnel. with gh it s caused of the swelling of the hands...but I m not a medic so I may be wrong.
    this is correct, and from what I've researched, it's mainly onset by the water retention. this is also the reason for your finger joints feeling as big as golf balls

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