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  1. #1
    Osiris is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Life-time usage of GH

    We all know that slim people with thick chin and vascular body have increased level of GH and thus have better physique.

    we know that our body makes somehing like 0/5- 1 IU pr day.

    what if we take GH at 0.5 or 1 IU per day in the long run?
    Lets say for 5 years?
    May be this case will be more beneficial for our longevuty and body and will also promote fat loss and lean muscle increase?

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    Jul 2004
    We all know that at about 21 the body releases something like 1.5 - 2iu a day which diminishes as we age. So I guess adding 0.5iu a day throughout your life in theory may have incredible results but unfortunately for all of us there hasn't been enough study on this. It is interesting to think though, what if the drop in gh as we age is what causes the cells to replicate poorer and poorer over time. Something for the scientists and guinea pigs i believe. Thanks Osiris your a lateral thinker, cheers


  3. #3
    Osiris is offline New Member
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    Apr 2005
    Say LL08,

    can u avdise any threads or forums for full hormone replacement threapy for anti-aging?

    Wanna study and apply to my farther. But i speak about full hormones replacement therapy. Not only GH or Test of EStr , FULL!!!

    sorry for off topic

  4. #4
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    Jul 2004
    do a search for 'anti aging' and 'hormone replacement' on I don't really advice you apply this to your father without a docs help though bro. Unless you want to feel guilt down the track..i'm sure from your other thread you get what i mean. cheers

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