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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Weightgainer right after SubQ Humalin R or 15 minutes after?

    I was wondering if I can take an NLarge2 as my PWO shake after taking my slin? I'm a rookie therefore I will be starting off at 5ius tomarrow. I'm a tad confused with the waiting. Do I drink it immediately after my shot or should I wait about 15 minutes like I've seen some people do? Another good question, I do cardio PWO. Should I take the slin before cardio, after, or should I just leave the cardio for the morning? It would be more difficult for me to do this in the AM so if there is anyway I can do my cardio PWO it would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Your best bet is to use pure dextrose as your carbohydrate source, you can get it from a local grocery store which is also a lot cheaper than NLarge2. Take it immidietly PWO as that is when your body needs it the most. Some people take it 5 min post injection but I take mine immidietly.

    If I was you I would cardio in the AM and weight at night. Don't ever take insulin before or after cardio, only post weight training whenever that may be. If you can't do cardio in the AM try and fit during the day somehow but I would defenitly not do it immidietly post weight training. Find another time for cardio that is as far away from your weight session.

    Hope it goes well for you and good luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Once you get more comfortable with using insulin , I would take it 15-20 minutes before the end of your workout...esp. humulin sub q.

  4. #4
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Your best bet is to use pure dextrose as your carbohydrate source, you can get it from a local grocery store which is also a lot cheaper than NLarge2. Take it immidietly PWO as that is when your body needs it the most. Some people take it 5 min post injection but I take mine immidietly.

    If I was you I would cardio in the AM and weight at night. Don't ever take insulin before or after cardio, only post weight training whenever that may be. If you can't do cardio in the AM try and fit during the day somehow but I would defenitly not do it immidietly post weight training. Find another time for cardio that is as far away from your weight session.

    Hope it goes well for you and good luck.

    Yeah, but you use humalog IM, he's doing sub-c humalin-r. So, shouldn't he wait 5 or 10 minutes before taking his dex so he doesn't create an endo slin spike followed by the humalin spike?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Good question!

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    Yeah, but you use humalog IM, he's doing sub-c humalin-r. So, shouldn't he wait 5 or 10 minutes before taking his dex so he doesn't create an endo slin spike followed by the humalin spike?
    Humalin's on-set time is 30 minutes, therefore, you should be having an injection 15 minutes before you finish training, so then 15 min post training the insulin will kick in like Humalog.

    When I used R this is what I did:

    * Train
    * 15 minutes before I finish my training session I would go to the toilet and have my slin. Then I would train for another 15 minutes post injection. Once the 15 minutes is up, my training session is over.
    * Immidietly after that I would have my dex/gluta/creat.

    That's what I did and had no problems.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    Once you get more comfortable with using insulin, I would take it 15-20 minutes before the end of your workout...esp. humulin sub q.
    Like I said.

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