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Thread: glucose tabs and igf-1?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym

    glucose tabs and igf-1?

    Ive been taking my nlarge2 shake for my PWO. It has 85g of carbs. Should i chew on some glucose tabs afterwords too? Im worried im not getting the proper intake needed for igf-1 lr3 to work

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    thanks... ive just been getting real sleepy afterwords. Didnt know if that was due to me eating the wrong stuff. But i workout late (anywhere from 7pm-10pm), so maybe im a little tired and the lr3 makes it worse

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    With LR3, I would be more concerned about your protein intake than your carbs. 85g is more than adequate. LR3 affects BG to a much smaller degree than insulin, so as long as you aren't experiencing EXTREME lethargy, nausea, headache, etc. you are fine.

    I personally eat some scottish oatmeal with my egg-white omelete and protein shake for breakfast (which for me is a few hours before workout), and then my post workout carbs (which are modest enough) and that is usually swell when I am on my LR3 cycles.

    You do want to make sure you keep your protein levels WAY up ... that is what is going to make or break your LR3 success. Best of luck to you.

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