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I'm a paramedic, I've seen some very ugly insulin/diabetic related emergencies. Probably 25-35% of all 911 medical emergency calls. Starts with a decreased level of consciousness LOC, then you loose your ability to think clearly and potientially help or save yourself. You Will go down if you over shoot the mark, unless you can act fast. Never ever do it alone until you know exactly what you're doing. I've seen ppl go down that have had diabeties their whole life and still get caught. Because the variables can change daily. Sickness, hydration levels, exercise intensity, diet and the unknown can change your metabolism so much that what works one day just might OD you the next day, or maybe the 10th day. My opinion, there's better ways to get big than risking your life. I get hypoglycemic just doing an intense workout.
Just my $0.02