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Thread: How risky is insulin???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    houston, tx

    Question How risky is insulin???

    I hear stories about how insulin can put you into a diabetic coma and make you become a permanent diabetic. Just how risky is it to use this stuff? I already know it needs to be researched extinsively and thats what Im in the process of doing. Im talking about once you are very hip to the do's and don'ts of insulin- how risky of a decision is it?

  2. #2
    well it can kill you so thats how risky it is

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    If have done your research and know how to cycle not.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Insulin is dangerous, and it's lethal, that is the bad part. The good part is, its easy to prevent these nasty side effects we all hear about. That is why its very important for user to excatly know how insulin works, and more importantly, knows what to do in certain situations. Once you have mastered that part, the chances of experiencing serious insulin side effects are low.

    If you let your BG drop too low, you can experience hypoglycemia which can lead to going into coma. The coma you go into is what they call "diabetic coma". Also, long term insulin use can lead one to become insulin dependant. This is when you become dependant, and this certinly isn't a good thing. However, there are rules and gudielines which are considered very important because as long as you don't cross/modify these rules, you should be fine. These rules must be followed as dierected, they are there for your own safety.

    Like I said above, if you know what you are doing, these side effects are easy to prevent.

    Anyone that wants to try insulin should do enough research before going ahead with doing it. A lot of people on here start using insulin, start experiencing side effects such as hypo, then wonder what the hell is going on. These are the people that don't do enough research and can get themselves into trouble. So, as I said, do your research, learn what to and not to do, and you will be fine.

    Do not ever disrespect insulin, if you do, it will disrespect you back in a harsh way.


  5. #5
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    I like some hypo symptoms now and then. It helps me keep tabs on what my body is doing and how it is reacting to the insulin, how many carbs I need, how long the slin is active and how long the hypo symptoms last. There are dozens of people on the board using slin and haven't heard of any dropping dead. Actually I have read posts from people that have no idea what they are doing and they haven't slipped into a coma. Actually in all my research, I haven't read anything about a slin user going into a coma or dropping dead anywhere. But hey, that's just me.

  6. #6
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    Thanx for the info. The one question I still have and I know it is probably different for everyone (and no one may have a real answer): How much slin and for how long is risking becoming dependent? I would have to feel extremely comfortable with the answer to this question before I ever took that step.

  7. #7
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    4 to 5 weeks on and 4 to 5 off is the norm. and not going over 10iu's. Although they say becoming insulin dependent is a risk, I have never heard of it actually happening. Let me know if you find a documented case. I'd be curious to read about it.

  8. #8
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    I'm a paramedic, I've seen some very ugly insulin/diabetic related emergencies. Probably 25-35% of all 911 medical emergency calls. Starts with a decreased level of consciousness LOC, then you loose your ability to think clearly and potientially help or save yourself. You Will go down if you over shoot the mark, unless you can act fast. Never ever do it alone until you know exactly what you're doing. I've seen ppl go down that have had diabeties their whole life and still get caught. Because the variables can change daily. Sickness, hydration levels, exercise intensity, diet and the unknown can change your metabolism so much that what works one day just might OD you the next day, or maybe the 10th day. My opinion, there's better ways to get big than risking your life. I get hypoglycemic just doing an intense workout.

    Just my $0.02


  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by j.r.w.
    The one question I still have and I know it is probably different for everyone (and no one may have a real answer): How much slin and for how long is risking becoming dependent?
    As I said in my post...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Also, long term insulin use can lead one to become insulin dependant
    But everybody reacts differently. You may be able to use high doses for a long period of time and not become anywhere close to dependant. I belive using insulin more than once p/day increases the chances of becoming dependant also.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keywestlifter
    I'm a paramedic, I've seen some very ugly insulin/diabetic related emergencies. Probably 25-35% of all 911 medical emergency calls. Starts with a decreased level of consciousness LOC, then you loose your ability to think clearly and potientially help or save yourself. You Will go down if you over shoot the mark, unless you can act fast. Never ever do it alone until you know exactly what you're doing. I've seen ppl go down that have had diabeties their whole life and still get caught. Because the variables can change daily. Sickness, hydration levels, exercise intensity, diet and the unknown can change your metabolism so much that what works one day just might OD you the next day, or maybe the 10th day. My opinion, there's better ways to get big than risking your life. I get hypoglycemic just doing an intense workout.

    Just my $0.02

    I'm curious as to how many times a day do diebetics need to inject to maintain blood levels? Do they need to monitor on an hourly basis? Is it a 24 hour thing? How many cases are bodybuilding related? I only need to be concerned about blood levels 2-4 hours out of the day and variables don't change much in that time span. You see my point? I can see how diebetics could lose it and "Go down" since it seems to me that monitoring and maintaining blood levels is a way of life for them. Variables do change daily and they have a much larger time span to be concerned. I'd still like to read about a documented case of insulin dependency caused by bodybuilding related insulin use. That might make me think twice, but until then I'm not losing sleep over it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Keywestlifter
    Probably 25-35% of all 911 medical emergency calls.
    holy guacamole

  12. #12
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    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    I'm curious as to how many times a day do diebetics need to inject to maintain blood levels? Do they need to monitor on an hourly basis? Is it a 24 hour thing? How many cases are bodybuilding related? I only need to be concerned about blood levels 2-4 hours out of the day and variables don't change much in that time span. You see my point? I can see how diebetics could lose it and "Go down" since it seems to me that monitoring and maintaining blood levels is a way of life for them. Variables do change daily and they have a much larger time span to be concerned. I'd still like to read about a documented case of insulin dependency caused by bodybuilding related insulin use. That might make me think twice, but until then I'm not losing sleep over it.
    I'd also be interested to know how many of those calls are from non-diabetic bodybuilding users

  13. #13
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    [QUOTE=jerseyboy]I'm curious as to how many times a day do diebetics need to inject to maintain blood levels? Do they need to monitor on an hourly basis? Is it a 24 hour thing? How many cases are bodybuilding related? I only need to be concerned about blood levels 2-4 hours out of the day and variables don't change much in that time span. You see my point? QUOTE]

    Exactly. Isnt nice to have health pancreas'. I'd only be concerned for the first few hours post injection. Very concerned actually. Observent. Just for the record I'm not against taking planned thoughtout risks if I did I wouldn't have ever injected myself with mexican vetenary steriods in the first place years ago. (although i have found cattle a little more attractive ever since) just kidding...

    [QUOTE=1-Cent]I'd also be interested to know how many of those calls are from non-diabetic bodybuilding users.

    For me, non. But what is the population of diabetics(17million in the usa) vs. insulin injecting BBer's? Unless you live in Venice Bch, would be like winning the lottery but I am interested in that question also. Unless you seen a diabetic seizure and how it presents itself is so freakin scary that it would change your life forever. its ugly.

    BTW...There's a big difference between "diabetic coma" (low blood-insulin level, usually presents hyperglycemia) and whats known as a "diabetic seizure"(low blood sugar,aka-hypoglycemia). What they both share though is insuffcient ability to metabolize enough glucose to keep the brain functions normal. I've done d-sticks where the patients were in the 500-600mg/dl range(hyper), conscious and alert. I've also had readings in the 30's-40mg/dl 's(hypo), conscious. Normal range is 70-120mg/dl . I'm not a doctor I've just seen it and we have to know it.

    I thought about doing insulin with Hgh. Over the years I've read and read here on this website and I personally cant see why I just couldn't something better like Igf-r3 and reap all the benefits that it has to offer. Less dangerous risk in my opinion.

  14. #14
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    If you know how to read and have half a brain it's very safe and easy IMO....

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I'd also be interested to know how many of those calls are from non-diabetic bodybuilding users
    i'd say just a fraction of 1%, but that doesn't mean it's not dangerous. diabetes is a dangerous disease, and many diabetics take these insulin risks every day, all day.

    i've run into some diabetics going hypo, and they were completely out of their heads. they acted very similar to combative drunks, and could not even communicate what was hapening to them. hypo can aparently make people EXTREMELY irritable, and they'll get combative even with people trying to help them.

    do not expect to be in a rational state of mind when you go hypo, have everything you need on hand at all times.

  16. #16
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    [QUOTE=jerseyboy]I'm curious as to how many times a day do diebetics need to inject to maintain blood levels? Do they need to monitor on an hourly basis? Is it a 24 hour thing? How many cases are bodybuilding related? I only need to be concerned about blood levels 2-4 hours out of the day and variables don't change much in that time span. You see my point? QUOTE]

    Exactly. Isnt nice to have health pancreas'. I'd only be concerned for the first few hours post injection. Very concerned actually. Observent. Just for the record I'm not against taking planned thoughtout risks if I did I wouldn't have ever injected myself with mexican vetenary steriods in the first place years ago. (although i have found cattle a little more attractive ever since) just kidding...

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I'd also be interested to know how many of those calls are from non-diabetic bodybuilding users.

    For me, non. But what is the population of diabetics(17million in the usa) vs. insulin injecting BBer's? Unless you live in Venice Bch, would be like winning the lottery but I am interested in that question also. Unless you seen a diabetic seizure and how it presents itself is so freakin scary that it would change your life forever. its ugly.

    BTW...There's a big difference between "diabetic coma" (low blood-insulin level, usually presents hyperglycemia) and whats known as a "diabetic seizure"(low blood sugar,aka-hypoglycemia). What they both share though is insuffcient ability to metabolize enough glucose to keep the brain functions normal. I've done d-sticks where the patients were in the 500-600mg/dl range(hyper), conscious and alert. I've also had readings in the 30's-40mg/dl 's(hypo), conscious. Normal range is 70-120mg/dl . I'm not a doctor I've just seen it and we have to know it.

    I thought about doing insulin with Hgh. Over the years I've read and read here on this website and I personally cant see why I just couldn't something better like Igf-r3 and reap all the benefits that it has to offer. Less dangerous risk in my opinion.
    I respect your knowledge and experience. Thanks for contributing the info. I've been using IGF for a little while now but I'm not sure yet that it yielding better results than GH/slin. Igf can also lower blood sugar and runs a small risk of making you hypo also.

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