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Thread: ok rookie qstn. bout t3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sooner Nation

    Talking ok rookie qstn. bout t3

    okay this stuff is taken orally right?

    I mean if there is a choice I'd rather shoot it mixed with gear than have to squirt some c### in my mouth every day, with juice?,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Yes, it's taken orally either through liquid or pill form. Research the drug well before you jump with both feet.

    But before you even fall into the ban wagon of T3 users, have you tried dieting on your own seriously without the help of any Thyroid supps? I'm telling you from experience, I only think T3 is worth using if you're under 8%, which is damn low already.

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