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Thread: Am I asking for trouble here?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Am I asking for trouble here?

    I am on GH Hrt for life! I currently take 1.8ius of GH per day. This brings my IGF-1 levels up to 440. The range is between 180-492. So I'm up there with only 1.8ius per day.

    But my doctor told me that if my IGF-1 levels go past 492. That the metabolism begins to slowdown.

    But for the months of April until the end of August, I do use 4ius of GH. So who knows how damn high my IGF-1 levels are at that point. So like Doc said. Past the 492 mark...and metabolism drops.

    So my question is. Would it be a bad idea to use a low dose of T3 at say 25mcgs per day ED for the months of April until the end of August????? Would I shutdown my thyroid for good like this?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Carth
    I am on GH Hrt for life! I currently take 1.8ius of GH per day. This brings my IGF-1 levels up to 440. The range is between 180-492. So I'm up there with only 1.8ius per day.

    But my doctor told me that if my IGF-1 levels go past 492. That the metabolism begins to slowdown.

    But for the months of April until the end of August, I do use 4ius of GH. So who knows how damn high my IGF-1 levels are at that point. So like Doc said. Past the 492 mark...and metabolism drops.

    So my question is. Would it be a bad idea to use a low dose of T3 at say 25mcgs per day ED for the months of April until the end of August????? Would I shutdown my thyroid for good like this?????
    ahhh crud, Mallet just retired too.

    hmmm, maybe if you look mallet up in the member list and check out all of the threads started by him, you'll find what your looking for. He's the gland man.

    or wait around there are some peeps that can get that for sure man....but check mallet in the mean time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    My doc gave me armour thyroid when he gave me the script for GH. How are you or what is going on with you that you would have to be on GH for life? I myself don't produce any test at all. This was tested and tested again with 2 years of bloodwork.
    Is this covered under your insurance? I think I have read here in this forum that thyroid med are ran with GH sometimes. Someone will give you some insight soon. I just would like to get more info.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2004
    I abused GH many, many years ago. And since then...I shut down my own production. So I am on 1.8ius of GH for life. Yes my insurance covers it.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Carth
    I abused GH many, many years ago. And since then...I shut down my own production. So I am on 1.8ius of GH for life. Yes my insurance covers it.
    never heard of being shut down for life because of hgh use. usually it comes back within days but the resistence problem is an hot issue at the moment.

    carth what did you do when you say you abused it?

    normally t3 at 12.5-25mcg for the whole hgh cycle(6-12months) is'nt a problem but since youre on for life i don't know about it.


  6. #6
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    Jun 2004
    I don't know exactly. But I think like 6 years ago I was taking 2ius of GH 4 times a day. Upon waking up, another at noon, another later in the day and another before bed. I was taking also Slin PW only.

    The slin I did for only 4 weeks. But I did the GH for about 10 week straight. And when I stopped taking the GH, my IGF-1 levels went down to 80 and stayed there for over a year!!! It just never came back! So now I have to take 1.8ius of Gh ED for life. This brings my IGF-1 levels to 440. 492 being the max in the range of 180-492.

    Doc told me that 1.8ius of GH would keep me at 440 and thus I do not need to worry about slowing down the metabolism. But I told him that I wanted to take 4 ius of GH only during the sumer for 6 months. And he told me that if I do that, my IGF-1 levels will probably be up to 900!!! And that will definitely slow down my metabolism a bit.

    That is why I was planning on taking 25mcgs of T3 per day only during the summer days. But I'm afraid that after the 6months of being on 4ius of GH with 25mcgs of T3. That my thyoid will be suppressed or just shutdown.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Quote Originally Posted by Carth
    I don't know exactly. But I think like 6 years ago I was taking 2ius of GH 4 times a day. Upon waking up, another at noon, another later in the day and another before bed. I was taking also Slin PW only.

    The slin I did for only 4 weeks. But I did the GH for about 10 week straight. And when I stopped taking the GH, my IGF-1 levels went down to 80 and stayed there for over a year!!! It just never came back! So now I have to take 1.8ius of Gh ED for life. This brings my IGF-1 levels to 440. 492 being the max in the range of 180-492.

    Doc told me that 1.8ius of GH would keep me at 440 and thus I do not need to worry about slowing down the metabolism. But I told him that I wanted to take 4 ius of GH only during the sumer for 6 months. And he told me that if I do that, my IGF-1 levels will probably be up to 900!!! And that will definitely slow down my metabolism a bit.

    That is why I was planning on taking 25mcgs of T3 per day only during the summer days. But I'm afraid that after the 6months of being on 4ius of GH with 25mcgs of T3. That my thyoid will be suppressed or just shutdown.
    Well I wonder what our igf-1 levels are like when we are taking like 80mcg's of igf-1.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2004
    i was'nt aware that high igf levels slows down your metabolisme.i always thought it was because of the does this mean lr3 igf-1 slows it down also and for the best benefit we should use t3 along the lr3?

    but i think that if you go back to 1.8iu and drop the t3 you should be fine cause its only a replacement dose.


  9. #9
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    Jun 2004
    Yes I will be fine. But remember...I plan on using 4ius during the summer. To burn more fat of course. But remember! More GH means slowing down the metabolism!

    GH is only a signal to the liver telling the liver to produce IGF-1.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    your fridge
    I never had a problem eating with gh and I run 6iu's ed.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    I never had a problem eating with gh and I run 6iu's ed.
    6ius per day? ED!!!!??? For how long have you been doing this? And you say you are lean? Very lean? No bloat at all? Not even a tiny bit of water retention? Nothing?????

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    your fridge
    Quote Originally Posted by Carth
    6ius per day? ED!!!!??? For how long have you been doing this? And you say you are lean? Very lean? No bloat at all? Not even a tiny bit of water retention? Nothing?????
    I have run that dose twice. Not lean now but working on it. Got some bloat of it but nothing test e like. I did 8iu's for about month and a half but the sides were just too much to bear.

  13. #13
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    i would like to know what some of the more experienced bros gotta say about it.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Long term GH does surpress thyroid t4 and therefore t3 production. This is why the doc said it will slow your metabolism down. But I would not say it is at 492 like he did. This is just a average value, so he is guessing.

    I would say it has more to do with the length of time vs. the 492 value and I am also guessing. Supplementing with 12.5-25mcgs T3 will help offset this thyroid downregulation with normally no ill effects once stopped.

    Just monitor your blood glucose sugar levels because GH can cause a slight rise in sugar.

  15. #15
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    Jun 2004
    How does GH raise sugar?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Carth
    How does GH raise sugar?
    trough lowering insulin sensetivety.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    trough lowering insulin sensetivety.

    I still don't understand. Can you please be more specific. Oh wait! You mean if I eat carbs and I'm on GH....then the carbs cannot be transported away from the blood. Right??? Because of less insulin...right? So blood sugar remains high....right????

    That is why it is important to keep carbs low while on GH...yes???

    or use insulin with gh? Am I right?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    8?! Where does it say 8?! I said 1.8 not 8

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    yes therefore use insulin or glucophage/metformine or even r-ala with gtf chroom.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Cool! I did the slin thing with GH this past winter. Got pretty big and very dense! Glucophage makes me sick!! R-ala????? mmmmm Do you REALLY think this stuff works???

  21. #21
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    Jul 2004
    don't expect miracles but it sure does make a difference.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    don't expect miracles but it sure does make a difference.

    Can you honestly say that it REALLY makes a difference? Can you really tell?

  23. #23
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    Jul 2004
    yes its noticeble,just give it a try 600mg r-ala with 200/300mcg gtf-chroom.


  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    yes its noticeble,just give it a try 600mg r-ala with 200/300mcg gtf-chroom.

    What about Humalog??? I'm going to start mine soon. Next week hopefully

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    What about Humalog??? I'm going to start mine soon. Next week hopefully

    yes slin(humalog) is best as a disposal agent but you need to cycle your slin 4on/4off in the weeks off you need another disposal agent like glucophage or R-ALA/gtf-chroom.

    so slin is best as its not only works as a disposal agent but both slin and hgh need to be present in the liver to create igf-1.


  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    yes slin(humalog) is best as a disposal agent but you need to cycle your slin 4on/4off in the weeks off you need another disposal agent like glucophage or R-ALA/gtf-chroom.

    so slin is best as its not only works as a disposal agent but both slin and hgh need to be present in the liver to create igf-1.


    You know what Rodge?? Glucophage scares me b/c one of my buddies developed lactic acidosis when taking that. I know it's kind of ironic saying that the Gluco scares me but the Slin doesn't.
    What if I just do 4 weeks on 4 weeks off throughout the duration off my growth cycle??? I jsut started about a month ago and am going to run a 7 month GH cycle at 3.6iu/day 5 on 2 off. I've seen some of your other posts Rodge and really respect and appreciate your opinion. Let me know or IM me. Thanks buddy!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    if you dont wanna do glucophage then stick with slin 4on/4off andR-ALA/GTF-CHROOM on your off weeks.


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