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Thread: Hg Gains????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Question Hg Gains????

    What kind of gains should i expect from 5 I.U."s of JIN ed 5/2 on/off, from now til Jan. 10. with no Test. Been on GH @2I.U.'s a/day while on IGF for last 40 days.
    - Have a clean diet and get about 400g. op protien a day. Hit gym 5 out of 7 days,
    -Just finished run of IGF at 100 mcg/day for 40days and plan on runin it agin in 50 more days>>


  2. #2
    Been on 2ius 5on/2off for 3 months now. Noticed some fat loss, but have been running 4 week burst cycles of prop/tren/dbol so I can't attribute the muscle gain to gh. The pct after my cycles have been incredible though. No strength loss and very little weight loss!

    How did the Igf work for you? I have been thinking of adding it in to my burst cycles.

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