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Thread: GH/Deca/DepoTest

  1. #1


    My Dr. recommended me to go with the above stack rather than with winstrol/deca/primo and I started last week. He recommended me to go with a 5 on 2 off for of 3-4 iu of serostim gh and 200 mg every 2 weeks of both the depo test and deca. I am 30 yrs old and my goal is to burn fat since my body fat is at high 20's, low 30's.

    Any feedback?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    how ong u gonna run HGH ? If u want to get some drastic gains i would increase deca/test dosage

    But to to answer your question HGH with test/deca is very good stack.

    Im doing identical cycle soon but with 1g test and 600deca

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