Been reading that it is better to run gh 1st for about 2 months before using AAS to raise IGF-1 levels. I plan on running a 12WK test-e cycle with anavar, gh, and insulin. Question is do I run the gh and insulin together, stop insulin after WK 4 just run gh, and pick up insulin again at WK 8 and by this time I can add my test. Like this:
GH 3iu 5/2 x2/day (6-9months)
Humalog 10iu/PWO (WK 1-4)
Test Enan 250mg/WK (WK 8-20)
Humalog 10iu/PWO (WK 8-12)
Anavar 25mg/ED (WK 14-22)
Arimidex .5mg EOD till PCT
HCG 250iu x2/WK until PCT
PCT Clomid 300/100/50 (3WKS)
Would appreciate any advice. I realize this is a low dose of test and var. I want to see how synergetic this is with dosage. If not getting results may bump.