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Thread: GH hypo?

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    QBERT's Avatar
    QBERT is offline Junior Member
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    GH hypo?

    Interesting story. I was at the gym yesterday and training pretty hard. I noticed I was sweating allot more than usual, no big deal I'll grab a towel. As I continued through this intense workout I really began to feel like s**t, and the sweat continued. Better sit down. As I got off of the quad machine I decided I'd better run to the restroom so don't puke all over the gym floor. I run in and take the middle stall in between 2 other people TKOB. So I'm thinking great, about to lose my lunch on either side of 2 guys taking a crap. Nausea subsided few seconds later so I went out and sat down. I was still dripping wet/dizzy and began to drink a coke I had brought and devoure a bag of skittles. I'm thinking WTF, I had a shot of GH 2iu this morning at 7:00am it's now 2:30pm and last slin shot was yesterday (humalog PWO 5iu) 3:00pm. So about 20-30min l8tr, felt much better and went home. I checked my carb intake after I went to the gym and sure enough that's where I f***ked up. I guess the moral of the story is be prepared. Especially when using GH/slin. This could have gotten real ugly had I not had quick source of sugar for hypo and remained calm.

  2. #2
    juiced diego's Avatar
    juiced diego is offline New Member
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by QBERT
    Interesting story. I was at the gym yesterday and training pretty hard. I noticed I was sweating allot more than usual, no big deal I'll grab a towel. As I continued through this intense workout I really began to feel like s**t, and the sweat continued. Better sit down. As I got off of the quad machine I decided I'd better run to the restroom so don't puke all over the gym floor. I run in and take the middle stall in between 2 other people TKOB. So I'm thinking great, about to lose my lunch on either side of 2 guys taking a crap. Nausea subsided few seconds later so I went out and sat down. I was still dripping wet/dizzy and began to drink a coke I had brought and devoure a bag of skittles. I'm thinking WTF, I had a shot of GH 2iu this morning at 7:00am it's now 2:30pm and last slin shot was yesterday (humalog PWO 5iu) 3:00pm. So about 20-30min l8tr, felt much better and went home. I checked my carb intake after I went to the gym and sure enough that's where I f***ked up. I guess the moral of the story is be prepared. Especially when using GH/slin. This could have gotten real ugly had I not had quick source of sugar for hypo and remained calm.
    Interesting story bro, i 've been on G for a while and at first i was doing my shots and maybe 15mins i was very sleepy so i just took naps all day long lol
    I'm sure it wouldn't be dangerous like slin but... lol
    glad your ok

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