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Thread: Chances of going hypo?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Chances of going hypo?

    Hey fellas, I am not new to this forum, I just never posted before and I have a question (By the way I searched). I am a tested athelete so there are times of the year when I cannot take AAS and for this reason I was going to try and cycle IGF a few times this year. The problem is that I worry about going hypo because of the amount of activites I will be doing throughout the day. I will be working out in the morning and then shooting soon after that. The problem is, about 5 hours later I will have a very hard practice that will last about 2-3 hours, plus I will not have the optimum diet during this time because of my schedule. I just wanted to ask what you guys thought so I don't end up killing myself. All comments are welcome and are appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    the chances of going hypo are not as big as with slin but do exsist.but if your not able to put in an enormous amount of protein then lr3 is'nt gonna do much imo.if your gonna give it a try then have a solid meal before your practice and you should be fine,maybe keep some dex tabs(in case of hypo) and some amino acids(to up your protein)with you if thats possible.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    the chances of going hypo are not as big as with slin but do exsist.but if your not able to put in an enormous amount of protein then lr3 is'nt gonna do much imo.if your gonna give it a try then have a solid meal before your practice and you should be fine,maybe keep some dex tabs(in case of hypo) and some amino acids(to up your protein)with you if thats possible.

    Thanks for the quick reply, it was very helpful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Protein is key with LR3 IGF-1 especially after injecting


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