Thread: more IGF-1LR3 questions...
07-27-2005, 06:55 AM #1
more IGF-1LR3 questions...
here goes:
1. i understand it's best to take in 2x your weight in protien... is there a window of time when it's best to consume the protien or should it be taken all day like the usual?
2. on days you dont workout... when is it best to do your injection?
3. i workout late, usually around 9pm. my PWO injection usually falls a little after 10pm... is it not recommended to use IGF-1 so close to bedtime?
07-27-2005, 07:06 AM #2
1 try to take in as much protein as possible all trough the day,if your just as me working out late then make a protein shake for if you wake up in the midle of the night to fact i make such a big shake that i can drink some before i hit the shower and have breakfast.
2 am.
3 if thats pwo then shoot away.
-rodgeLast edited by rodge; 07-27-2005 at 07:09 AM.
07-27-2005, 07:11 AM #3
thanks for the response rodge, you've been a big help.
07-27-2005, 07:12 AM #4
no problem bro.
07-27-2005, 10:38 AM #5
If your like me, you'll wake hungery in the middle of the night, I did a couple of late night w/o and couldn't get enough protein before bed, so woke up hungery as all get out
07-27-2005, 12:36 PM #6
I start the day with a shake, eat breakfast, get into the office have another shake, lunch, shake in the afternoon, pre work out shake gym > pwo igf > shake > dinner > and another shake
Damn thats a lot of shake......but it works
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