View Poll Results: Have you used hGH?

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  • Yes, I have used hGH and made good gains

    50 24.15%
  • No, I have not used hGH

    146 70.53%
  • Yes, I have used hGH and did NOT make gains

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  • I dont know what you are talking about?

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Thread: Have you used hGH?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Have you used hGH?

    hGH, also know as Somtropin is a human growth hormone. It has an effect on fat storage and promotes the utilization of fat for energy supplies.
    1. reducing the rate of fat synthesis
    2. increasing the mobilization of fat from storage sites
    3. increasing levels of fat-burning hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine.
    4. increases the transport of amino acids into tissues and speeding up the cellular content of DNA and RNA.

    I use hGH and my body fat is going way down and I continue to hold my weight at 205. I am 6.2 medium build, hard gainer but since use of hGH have put on 15 lbs. I have been taking 8 ius weekly for 5 weeks.

    What experience have you had with hGH and what are the results. Please tell me how long you have taken it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    8iu's a day or 8ius a week?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    eight iu's a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    When I am able to use it, I use 6iu pd. Two divided doses (3iu each) one upon waking the second post workout. 5 on and 2 off. My usual cycle of GH lasts 3 months sometimes slightly more. The type of GH I use is Serostim...
    I am in my late 30's. The results for me have always been excellent!!!! I have done many cycles without GH and the exact same cycles with GH, the difference with the addtion of GH is remarkable. I get better strength increases, tendon problems all but dissappear, quality of gains and physique are much better!! Localized fat loss (more at the point of injection) is amazing!! If I could afford to run it more often I definitely would!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Thanks for your post. I agree, hGH has provided me results and I am looking forward to seeing more as I use hGH in the next 5 months. I plan to be on for at least 6 months.

    Have you heard about any counterfeit issues on the Serostim? I use Saizen. It too is by Serono. I did not want to go with Serostim after talking with Serono due to the counterfeit problems.

    Two more questions:

    I have to mix the Bacteriostatic water with the somatrophin. Once mixed its only good for two weeks if keep cold. Do you mix your Serostim? How long will it last? If you shake it while you mix I was told that the 191 amino acid residues can be damaged and make it useless. What about Serostim? Can you shake it and not damage the protien?

    Do you inject subcutaneous or intramuscular. I inject subcutaneous.

    I inject in the morning due to the affect of somatrophin release is higher in first few hours of sleep.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Have been using Serno Serostim for about 5 weeks now. I'm injecting 4-6 IUs a day, everyday(the reason for 4 to 6 is that each bottle holds 18ius so I inject 4-4-4-6). Currently I'm on my 2nd kit and I've got one more kit left. Everything that I've read and researched has said that you need to do an minimum of 4-6ius a day to get results.

    Inregards to results, I'm just now starting to see this stuff paying off. I inject subcutaneous into my midsection... ie love handles. It took some time, but my girlfriend and I have noticed how the fat in my midsection has recently started going away. I'm hoping that things will only get better with time.

    I mix with Bacteriostatic water as well but each bottle only sits for 3 days. I've heard the same things that you are stating. Static water mix is good for a couple of weeks. Also the instruction that come with the kits states that you should roll in hand when mixing.

    Hope this helps

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Thanks for your input.

    You said,

    I've read and researched has said that you need to do an minimum of 4-6ius a day to get results."

    I only take 8 iu's per week under doctors instructions for HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy. I am a body builder / part time model. (I have a full time job at a hospital that pays my bills) I am able to benefit from the therapy by all the positive effects hGH has on the body but I did not start taking hGH for just gains in the gym.

    I know that Serono markets its sale of Serostim for Aids waisting. Just wanted to know if you could PM me and share with me the articles that you read up on dosage amounts. I am just curious what they have to say. I realize you are taking for gains in gym and not Aids waisting.


  9. #9
    i am thinking of trying hgh, i am a very hard gainer does the gains from hgh stay or go away after use???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You will keep the gains that hGH has contributed. Keep in mind if you are stacking you can loose the gains that the other drugs contributed to your gains (if you dont cycle off with the correct drugs).


    If others read this post I would really appreciate it if you would vote. I hold a BS in Chemistry and a Master's in Business. I have contacts at the hospital and want to provide some statistical data to them. Working on the possibility of publishing some articles on hGH use with body builders. Just testing the waters here.

    Thanks members....

  11. #11
    i voted, but i am 24 5'11 180 i have alot of cycles under my belt, i am going to start hgh but how much would be good for a first time hgh user and should i stack it and with what?? tthanks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    For the average 70 kg man, the recommend dosage at the start of therapy is not more than .4mg given as a daily subcutaneous injection. The dose may be increased on the basis of individual patient requirements to a maximum of 1.75 mg daily in patients younger than 35years of age and to a max of .875 mg daily in patients older than 35.

    Keep in mind this is for patient that have a need for Gh therapy and are under a doctors care.

    These are AACE clinical practice guidelines for growth hormone use.

    See the post on the hGH look for more info on side effects.

    Good luck. Dont use hGH without a doctor. Its not something to play around with. Lab work is a must.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    This is not a source post I am just trying to provide as much info on hGH and this is a good summary. It is from a wedsite that I am not going to name. I just dont want anyone to think I wrote this.

    "What is HGH (Human Growth Hormone) ?
    The first step in our education is to become familiar with some of the terms and definitions used while discussing Human Growth Hormone. Ready? Let's jump right in...

    What is a Hormone?

    Hormones are tiny chemical messengers that help our body do different tasks. Hormones are made up of amino acids. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands and then sent all over the body to stimulate certain activities. For example, Insulin is a well known hormone that helps our body digest food. Our growth, digestion, reproduction and sexual functions are all triggered by hormones.

    What is Human Growth Hormone?

    Human Growth Hormone (HGH or hGH) is the most abundant hormone produced by the pituitary gland (pituitary is one of the endocrine glands). The pituitary gland is located in the center of the brain. HGH is also a very complex hormone. It is made up of 191 amino acids - making it fairly large for a hormone. In fact, it is the largest protein created by the Pituitary gland.

    HGH secretion reaches its peak in the body during adolescence. This makes sense because HGH helps stimulate our body to grow. But, HGH secretion does not stop after adolescence. Our body continue to produce HGH usually in short bursts during deep sleep.

    Growth Hormone is known to be critical for tissue repair, muscle growth, healing, brain function, physical and mental health, bone strength, energy and metabolism. In short, it is very important to just about every aspect of our life!

    What is Recombinant Growth Hormone (GH)?

    Recombinant Growth Hormone is GH that is synthesized in the lab. It is a biosynthetic hormone that is identical to human growth hormone, but it is synthesized in the lab. Creating an exact replicate of HGH was not an easy task.

    First scientist needed to isolate HGH. Once they achieved this step they could study the DNA make-up of the protein. Scientist quickly realized making recombinant GH would be no easy task since they had to accurately reproduce a 191 amino acid hormone.

    I wish I could say it was the quest to help mankind that lead to the invention of recombinant GH, but really it was money! Pharmaceutical companies knew that there was big money to be made if they could create HGH in a test tube. Scientist from the major drug companies raced to produce the 191 amino acid hormone in a test tube. While Genentech first claimed victory in 1985, it was a short lived success. The recombinant GH they made was a 190 amino acid match - they were one amino acid off from HGH. This left the door open for Eli Lilly, who in 1986 created a 191 amino acid hormone that was an identical match to the HGH produced by the pituitary gland. The drug is called Humatrope and is the most widely used recombinant growth hormone today.

    What is IGF-1?

    IGF-1 stands for Insulin-like Growth Factor 1. IGF-1 is also known as Somatomedin-C. As important as HGH is, it does not last long in our bloodstream. In just a few short minutes our liver absorbs HGH and converts it into growth factors. IGF-1 is the most important growth factor that is produced. So, IGF-1 is a hormone just like HGH, but it is easier to measure in the body because it stays in our bloodstream longer than HGH. You can think of HGH as the hormone that gets the ball rolling, but IGF-1 does most of the work.

    "Frequent Asked Questions on HGH?

    Can I get mad cow disease and other diseases from taking HGH?

    In order to answer this question, we need to discuss some of the history to HGH supplementation. Back in 1958 HGH injections were first used to treat children with an HGH deficiency that resulted in stunted growth. The thought was, if they could raise the HGH levels in children with an HGH deficiency, they may be able to get the children to grow normally.

    In order to get HGH for these injections, there was only one source - the brains of cadavers. Yes, morbid as it sounds they used thousands of dead people's brains to extract HGH to inject into children. The good news was that it did help children grow. From 1958-1980 thousand of children received HGH injections.

    The bad news was that the HGH supply had become contaminated with the virus that causes Creutzfeld-Jakob or "mad cow" disease. Normally when an extraction from a human part is done, heat is used to kill any possible virus. The problem was that HGH can not be heated or it breaks apart. The best they could do was pasteurize the HGH. In the 80's it became painfully clear that this was not good enough. The evidence mounted that the HGH injections were responsible for children developing mad cow disease. Obviously, the FDA immediately put an end to growth hormone injections.

    In 1985 scientist were able to create synthetic growth hormone in the lab - recombinant HGH (click here for a definition of recombinant HGH). This was a major breakthrough, as growth hormone was only the second recombinant DNA drug ever developed (insulin was the first). By producing a synthetic growth hormone scientist were able to remove the risk of mad cow disease. No more squeezing brains to make HGH - now it could be made in a test tube. With the risk removed the FDA once again approved HGH injections. As long as you take a recombinant HGH, you are not at risk for mad cow disease.

    Why is the 1990 Dr. Rudman HGH study considered such a landmark?

    Dr. Rudman's study - Effects of Human Growth Hormone in Men over 60 Years Old (New England Journal of Medicine, 1990;323:1), marked the first time a therapy had been shown to reverse aging. Up until this point most people just accepted that we all age and there is nothing you can do about it. Dr. Rudman showed that this was not the case. In fact, his study showed that 6 months of growth hormone injections turned the clock back 10-20 years on his subjects.

    The other key to Dr. Rudman's study was that it was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study done on humans. This is one of the highest level of clinical studies.

    While we at Advice HGH consider the study a landmark, it has been seriously taken out of context on many web sites. Dr. Rudman injected very high levels of recombinant HGH on 60 year or older patients. When a web site says that their oral HGH supplement will have the same effect on 20 year olds - it is just not true. As we discuss in our articles, there are some HGH enhancing supplements that work very well, but just beware of people misquoting Dr. Rudman's study.

    Does HGH supplementation cause cancer?

    All indications are there HGH supplements do not cause cancer. The best evidence for this comes from the work of Dr. Chen and Dr. Terry. Chen and Terry run a clinic where they perform HGH injections. From 1994 - 1996 they treated over 800 patients with HGH injections. Amazingly there have not been any reports of cancer from any of the patients. As Dr. Terry stated in Grow Young with HGH, "With 800 people over the age of about 40, you would think that given normal incidence rate of cancer, some of these people would get cancer. It could be that there is some sort of protective effect from growth hormone replacement."

    How can I measure my HGH levels?

    HGH is only present in the body for a short period of time. However, IGF-1 (if you need definitions for these terms - click here) is present in the body at all times. Since, IGF-1 does most of the work for HGH - it is easiest to measure IGF-1 levels. Blood and saliva tests can show your IGF-1 levels. Generally, the lower your levels, the more you stand to gain from HGH enhancing supplements. "

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    you can find more info at:

    About MEDLINEplus

    Dr. Donald A.B. Lindberg, Director, National Library of Medicine

    MEDLINEplus, a goldmine of good health information from the world's largest medical library, the National Library of Medicine. Health professionals and consumers alike can depend on it for information that is authoritative and up to date. MEDLINEplus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on about 500 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and dictionaries, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials. MEDLINEplus is updated daily and can be bookmarked at There is no advertising on this site, nor does MEDLINEplus endorse any company or product.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I have a question about HGH---

    Can it make you actually taller?

    I was talking to an old friend of mine and he said he had this buddy from high school with some kind of growth deficiency, and for treatment his parents took him out to some Dr. in Canada and he got HGH treatment that actually made him grow taller. Not really sure how credible the source is of this story, just wondering because as I was researching HGH I saw it was used to treat some cases of "dwarfism" as it does cause some of your bones to expand.

    What happens if a full grown person were to take it ?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy
    Originally posted by A_Nice
    I have a question about HGH---

    Can it make you actually taller?

    I was talking to an old friend of mine and he said he had this buddy from high school with some kind of growth deficiency, and for treatment his parents took him out to some Dr. in Canada and he got HGH treatment that actually made him grow taller. Not really sure how credible the source is of this story, just wondering because as I was researching HGH I saw it was used to treat some cases of "dwarfism" as it does cause some of your bones to expand.

    What happens if a full grown person were to take it ?
    it will only make you grow taller if your growth plates are still open which in the guy you are talking about was. once you pass a certain age like around 17-21 (differnt for everyone) your growth plates close and hgh will do nothing to make you taller. hgh will make your hands, jaw, forehead, ears grow at any age if you use very high doses.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yes, "the quest aka ef" has some good things to say.

    I spoke to some friends at Serono and that is what they told me too.

    BTW what does "the quest aka ef" mean? Cool name just wanted to know what ef stood for.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy
    Originally posted by androplex
    yes, "the quest aka ef" has some good things to say.

    I spoke to some friends at Serono and that is what they told me too.

    BTW what does "the quest aka ef" mean? Cool name just wanted to know what ef stood for.
    ef means eric fustino which is my screen name at triedia, and elite fitness. the quest is my E-mail addy so I thought my new screen name for this board would be a little combo.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    In a study of hGH therapy for adults here are the side effects:

    115 adults, 6 months applied therapy

    37.4% developed edema (serous fuild in the tissues)
    19.1 % developed arthralgia ( (neuralgic pain in joint)
    15.7 % myalgia ((muscular rheumatism)
    7.8% paresthesias (impaired skin sensation)
    1.7% carpal tunnel.

    These symptoms most commonly occurred at the outset of therapy and most resolved within 1 to 2 months while therapy was continued.

    I am only 5 weeks in to my 6 month therapy. I use 8 iu a week. Thats .44 mg per day

    Hope this was helpful.....

    Products approved in the US

    Protropin by Genentech
    Nutropin AQ and Nutropin by Genentech
    Humatrope Eli Lilly
    Norditropin Novo Nordisk
    Genotropin Pharmacia and Upjohn
    Saizen Serono
    Serostim Serono

    Last edited by androplex on 04-27-2002 at 09:14 PM

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by androplex

    Thanks for your post. I agree, hGH has provided me results and I am looking forward to seeing more as I use hGH in the next 5 months. I plan to be on for at least 6 months.

    Have you heard about any counterfeit issues on the Serostim? I use Saizen. It too is by Serono. I did not want to go with Serostim after talking with Serono due to the counterfeit problems.

    Two more questions:

    I have to mix the Bacteriostatic water with the somatrophin. Once mixed its only good for two weeks if keep cold. Do you mix your Serostim? How long will it last? If you shake it while you mix I was told that the 191 amino acid residues can be damaged and make it useless. What about Serostim? Can you shake it and not damage the protien?

    Do you inject subcutaneous or intramuscular. I inject subcutaneous.

    I inject in the morning due to the affect of somatrophin release is higher in first few hours of sleep.
    Yep, I have heard about the conterfeit issues. In fact Serono has press releases on their site regarding this.
    I have a different understanding in regard to life of the Serostim. I have been told that once reconstituted it is fully viable for approximately one week (with bacteriostatic water and refrigerated).
    GH as you have stated should never be shaken!!! It is very fragile... In fact when the bacteriostatic water is added it should be lightly injected against the side of the vial not directly against the "cake".
    I inject subcutaneous, usually just outside of my belly button.
    I also inject first thing upon waking and again post workout...

  21. #21
    Ive been on serono kits for about 2 1/2 wks ,Iam feeling good getting the little sides numb hands swelling of the hands in the morning. Iam using fina and winny right now and ive put on 10 lbs already . Ive been strugling to get over 212lbs now Iam 217 and going , Iam only doing 3 ius a day. I know it probably hasnt been in long enough yet but this sure is a different feeling from any other cycle.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    GH and juice. i love it.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Does any one use slin with hgh?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Hi, here you can read about my HGH experiance and see my before and after pictures at the end of the 3d month. I continued taking it but smaller dozes - 1 IU 6 days on 1 off. At 6 month period I'm now in a better shape - some more muscles and even less fat. My diet is not super strict as it used to be the first 3 months
    Down at the same thread you can read more about it.
    Hope this helps!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I plan on using this in my 3rd cycle. Never used GH before but from what I've read, it sounds great. Keeping gains is what it's all about!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Diego
    excuse me for sounding like an idiot, but i have to ask. i've heard hgh can make you taller, and not that i care, cuz i date taller girls mostly, but how accurate are these claims? i always tell my lady friends, "it doesnt matter when you're horizontal", and that seems to at least bring a smile to their faces

  27. #27

    hgh effects

    does hgh effect our penis in any way? does your body stop making hgh naturally durring the time u use hgh?


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Re: hgh effects

    What is the average price per kit? and how long will each kit last?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Re: hgh effects

    Originally posted by GUNMAN
    What is the average price per kit? and how long will each kit last?
    A buddy from Spain tells me it's as high over there as $180 (US dollars)for every 12 I.U.s. but that would be $10 grand for 6 months!!?! It's got to be found cheaper.

    I also hear that it's worthless for muscle gains unless stacked with insulin and AS. It is very hard to get on the street here because real HGH must be kept refrigerated for it to work. I.E.--no shipping this stuff.

    Ask Alevok-he uses it now in Turkey and can tell you more accurate prices.

    btw, where you at in MD?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    You will pay anwhere from 600.00-1,000.00 a month for the stuff and it can take up to 3 months to see results..I have no experience with it, but I am thinking about taking it in the next couple of months. My buddy has been taking it for over 2 years. He is 44 years old and looks simply amazing and he is in perfect health.

  31. #31


    I've used 6mg/day for a few years with minimal results. i got some of my hair back, but that was all. Can anyone quote me street price on a box of 7 vials 6mg serostim?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You are either a scammer or don't know the rules, so you need to edit your post


  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    You are either a scammer or don't know the rules, so you need to edit your post

    HELLO johnnyb ? what will it be the best or most effective way to do it,
    intra or sub injection?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB

    thanks bro later........

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by REM
    thanks bro later........
    This was a highly useful thread androplex. Thanks. I'm thinking of trying GH at the end of this cycle, maybe with slin, to help keep gains and even keep gaining while off (fingers crossed).

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2002


  38. #38
    can someone help, i'll ask again, how many ml or ui's do i need for 3 months
    period of hgh, never done HGH no clue at all and i dont want to get less of what i need and be short and fuck up u no what i mean guys, looking for size later....

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    You will pay anwhere from 600.00-1,000.00 a month for the stuff and it can take up to 3 months to see results..I have no experience with it, but I am thinking about taking it in the next couple of months. My buddy has been taking it for over 2 years. He is 44 years old and looks simply amazing and he is in perfect health.
    Is your friend mainly ripped or is he big and ripped?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    I don't mean to be stepping on your toes, but it can be shipped. That's how I got mine. My doctor shipped a months supply @ a time to our front doorstep in a refridgerated, styrofoam cooler. The delivery guy also couldn't leave it out and if no one was home, he'd have to redeliver it the next day. But yes, you can have it shipped. You are right though, it must be kept under refridgeration...
    What about those 126 iu kits? Do they also have to be shipped in a refridgerated cooler?

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