08-13-2005, 03:44 AM #1
(ADDED PICTURES!) Somatogen-L, HGH by Biofa.
Made a new topic since nobody really looks the old one anymore. Views count hasn't been changed in 24 hours.
So I'm posting also the most important quotes from product information letter. Maybe we have some experts here who can tell if the stuff can be faked or not.
Active substance: each ampoule or vial contains 1.4 mg (4 IU) of human growth hormone recombinant.
Excipients: each ampoule or vial contains mannitol 12.0 mg, glycine 4.0 mg, disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 0.024 mg and sodium chloride 0.2 - 0.5 mg.
Human growth hormone recombinant is produced in a strain of E.coli bacteria which has been genetically altered by the insertion of a gene for the human growth hormone.
The structure of recombinant human growth hormone differs from pituitary human growth hormone in the deletion of the first N-terminal amino acid Phe1, but biological properties of both hormones are identical.
(Didn't understand very well the last sentence. Is there something I should worry about?)
Method of Administration and Dosage
Somatogen-L is white lypohilized preparation in ampoules or vials intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, after reconstitution in 1 ml of water for injections or supplemented Solvent (0.9% of benzyl alcohol).
Each package contains 5 ampoules of Somatogen-L and Annotation, or 5 vials of Somatogen-L, 5 ampoules of the Solvent, and Annotation.
(Now, here is a little problem. In the production information, it says in many places that the box comes with 4 IU powder vials and 1 ml water vials. But in the box there are 2 ml vials with Russian text on it which means "Novocaine 0.25%" in English.)
AB "Biotechna" (now known as Biofa)
V. Graiciuno 8
2028, Vilnius, Lithuania
Batch no: 31104
Exp date: 11/2006
08-13-2005, 03:55 AM #2Junior Member
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i had about the same a while ago, i read these weren't tolerated in the EU because there was somthing wrong with its origins, or smt
ill post the art soon
08-13-2005, 04:03 AM #3Junior Member
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Ergebnisse neuerer Untersuchungen
Probe mit der Bezeichnung „Somatogenum“ Die Untersuchung durch Elektrospray-Massenspektrometrie ergab, dass es sich auch bei der hier im Jahre 1999 untersuchten Probe um den gentechnisch gewonnenen Wirkstoff des-Phe1-Somatropin handelte.
Ampulle und Faltschachtel „Somatogenum-L Biofa“. Die Ampullen waren mit einem blauen Aufdruck mit dem Wortlaut: „Somatogenum-L, 4UI, 019801, Exp. 199901, i.m./s.c. BIOFA“ gekennzeichnet.
Während bei der Referenzsubstanz (CRS) die durch ESI-Massenspektrometrie ermittelte mittlere molekulare Masse von 22125,8 ± 0,5 D sehr gut mit dem aus der Aminosäurensequenz unter Berücksichtigung der zwei intramolekularen Disulfidbrücken berechneten Erwartungswert von 22125 D übereinstimmte, lieferte die „Somatogenum“- Probe wiederum ein Signal bei einer deutlich niedrigeren Masse (21978,1 ± 0,3 D, Massendifferenz: ca. 147 D), wie es für des-Phe1-Somatropin zu erwarten ist. Auf eine weitere Untersuchung z. B. durch peptide mapping oder reversed- phase HPLC konnte daher verzichtet werden.
Im Gegensatz zu den in den vorangegangenen Jahren untersuchten Proben mit der Bezeichnung „Somatogenum“ entsprachen die Ergebnisse der Reinheitsprüfungen mittels IEF und SDS-PAGE bei der hier untersuchten Probe den Anforderungen des Arzneibuchs an Somatropin. Sowohl im IEF als auch bei der SDS-PAGE zeigte die Probe nur eine Hauptbande im erwarteten pH- bzw. Molekularmassenbereich.
Es ergaben sich keine Hinweise auf Protein-Abbauprodukte. Offenbar handelte es sich bei der hier untersuchten Probe um ein proteinchemisch betrachtet recht sauberes, unzersetztes Produkt.
08-13-2005, 04:08 AM #4Junior Member
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no wait, that article actually says its a good product
:....Results of newer investigations
Sample with the designation "Somatogenum" the investigation by
electrical spray mass spectrometry resulted in, that also with here in the year the 1999 examined themselves it sample
around the genetically won active substance des-Phe1-Somatropin acted.
Ampul and folding box "Somatogenum l Biofa". The ampuls were with a blue print with the wording: "Somatogenum l, 4UI, 019801, Exp. 199901, i.m.s.C. BIOFA "characterized.
During with the reference substance (CRS) the middle molecular mass of
22125,8 ± 0.5 D with the expectancy value of 22125 D, computed
determined by it in eating spectrometry, from the amino acid sequence
with consideration of the two intramolekularen disulphide bridges,
agreed very good, the "Somatogenum" supplied with - to sample again a signal with
clearly lower measure (21978.1 ± 0.3 D, Mass difference: approx.. 147 D), as it is to be expected for des-Phe1-Somatropin. On a further investigation z. B. by peptide mapping or could be done without to written undertaking OD
phase HPLC therefore.
Contrary to in the preceding years the examined samples with the
designation "Somatogenum" corresponded the results of the purity
examinations by means of IEF and SDS PAGE with the sample examined
here to the requirements of the dispensatory at Somatropin. Both in the IEF and with the SDS PAGE the sample showed only one main
gang in the expected pH and/or. Molecular mass range.
No referring to protein dismantling products resulted. It obviously concerned with the sample examined here
protein-chemically regarded a quite clean, undecomposed product.
i swear i read somewhere the gh wasnt good for EU standards anymore, but what the hell, its good
08-13-2005, 05:00 AM #5
Thanks a lot for the answer man.
But since my native language is not english, I'm not good with scientific text. Can you tell in simple worlds, what do these results mean? Thanks.
08-13-2005, 06:47 AM #6
Well there real anyway.
08-13-2005, 07:18 AM #7Originally Posted by Big Bapper
08-13-2005, 10:40 AM #8
Yes they are the same, had a chat with the guy I got mine from and he said he had them tested and they are bang on. But I still think they are 192aa because of the welts and pain at injection site.
I found by injecting slowly there was not as much pain at injection site.
Do you go SC yet with slin pin ??
08-13-2005, 12:54 PM #9
Hey again bro.
Yep. Done 3 times subcut now, no pain at all man. Twice to glute, once to triceps. Maybe stomach is not a good injection site for that stuff?
Btw, what you mean by bang on?
08-14-2005, 07:39 AM #10
Sorry mate British saying, means its good.
08-14-2005, 11:56 AM #11
Well, made to triceps again today, everything was OK.
08-15-2005, 03:45 AM #12
08-15-2005, 12:42 PM #13
08-15-2005, 01:05 PM #14
Weather they are real or not isn't important here, I've heard bad things about this stuff. So use at your own risk.
Something to think about, if this stuff was good, it would be flooding the American market. There are more then one russian source that can get this stuff, but they don't carry it, because of the stories floating around about this stuff. If the stories were wrong, they'd be the first one to debunk them so they could sell it.
08-16-2005, 03:36 AM #15
Johnny. Could you please tell me some of the bad things you've heard about this stuff,as i was planning on using it soon?? Thanks!
08-17-2005, 03:16 AM #16Originally Posted by JohnnyB
One reason why they might not carry it is because you can get better stuff for cheaper price in the United States. But in here, it is only HGH around right now.
08-17-2005, 12:44 PM #17
08-19-2005, 01:08 PM #18
08-22-2005, 12:11 PM #19
08-25-2005, 01:21 PM #20
08-25-2005, 01:31 PM #21New Member
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Id like to hear from someone/anyone that has done HGH and can tell me if they got good resulets from it. Also want to know WHERE to get real stuff from at a cheap or reasonable price . . and how to do it for best results.
send me a message please.
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