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Thread: igf-1 help pls???????????????

  1. #1

    igf-1 help pls???????????????

    i need some one how used igf before!!!

    no1- igf-1 makes the muscel where you inject bigger for example if you inject biceps you will expirance localazation growth????

    no2- how effetive is it to build muscel?

    no 3- with what you have to stake it and how much do you need to take and how should you divide it???

    no 4- most important what side effects has it got??????????

    thank you alot !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    1. For the last time LR3=no localized growth.
    2. Is effective for building lean muscle.
    3. Good to start out with 40mcg's ed for 4weeks. Its good with some test.
    4. Only real side effect I saw was lethargy for the first few days. But thats just me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    1. For the last time LR3=no localized growth.
    2. Is effective for building lean muscle.
    3. Good to start out with 40mcg's ed for 4weeks. Its good with some test.
    4. Only real side effect I saw was lethargy for the first few days. But thats just me.

    I agree with all that especailly num 4, it subsided after a week for me

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