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Thread: Basic IGF-1 LR3/huIGF-1 information

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt

    Arrow Basic IGF-1 LR3/huIGF-1 information

    Written by Mr. Sparkle
    This is a basic IGF cycle guide. It is meant to answer a lot of very simple questions. I will continue to update as I see fit

    What is it? And what is the difference between huIGF-1 and LR3 IGF-1?

    IGF-1 stands for insulin like growth factor. IGF-I is the primary protein involved in responses of cells to growth hormone (GH): that is, IGF-I is produced in response to GH and then induces cellular activities. One such example is muscle growth or hyperplasia
    This compound also makes the human body more sensitive to insulin. It is the most potent growth factor found in the human body. IGF-1 causes muscle cell hyperplasia, which is an actual splitting and forming of new muscle cells, this is a good thing.

    LR3 IGF-1
    Long Recumbent 3 IGF-1, which is an 83 amino acid analog of human IGF-1 sequence with the substitution of an arg for the glu at position 3 (hence R3), and a 13 amino acid extension peptide at the N-terminus (hence the long).

    It has a 70 amino acid string. It is very short lived in the body (half life of probably around 10-15 minutes). This type of IGF-1 is very useful if you are seeking local site growth. Since it is so short lived, little of the IGF-1 makes it to other tissues and IGF-1 receptors in the body. The way to inject this is immediately post work out into the muscle that you wish to have local site growth.

    This coupled with PGF2a and TNE would do wonders for site specific growth IMO.

    It needs to be shot PWO. Most shoot bilaterally into the muscle that was worked. Though this is not totally essential, you can shoot it all into one injection site. Just make sure to switch off each workout.

    Stacking- because LR3 increases hyperplasia it is best when used in conjunction of other AAS.
    The ideal situation would be to inject twice ED due to the life of LR3. If this isnt feasible PWO will suffice, and suffice well.
    If you are on your off day, in the AM is best. It will help fight catabolism (muscle breakdown).
    If you add insulin to your LR3, be careful. LR3 will make you more sensitive to the effects that insulin has on you. So raise your PWO carb intake to accommodate the added LR3.

    If you have never ran insulin before, DO NOT add it with LR3.

    What can I expect?
    First off you can expect to drop a little BF if your diet is good. LR3 seems to burn off fat.
    You can expect an increase in hunger, this is awesome when bulking. That though can be controlled while cutting.
    Another thing to remember is hyperplaisa, once again the forming of new muscle cells, thus more size. Strength will go up along with the new muscle mass.
    You can expect great pumps. For some people so bad it hurts... you be the judge. I for one have never got pumps that hurt like that... for me personally I feel more pumps with insulin.

    Dosing For LR3
    The general consensus for dosing LR3 seems to be 40mcg to 60mcg. For no longer than 5 weeks. Do not exceed 100mcg. The average user should have no reason to ever come close to that dose. Some people shoot everyday, some just PWO. So on the days you do not work out the best thing to do is shoot whenever you wake up this helps maintain constant blood levels and helps fight of catabolism.

    The first time user should just use 40mcg on PWO days only. This way you can use 40mcg for 5 weeks assuming you have just one MG of LR3. It is a great starting dose that will get you results. But if you have used 40mcg in the past and didnt see the results you wanted, try 60mcg.

    A great way to run a cycle that includes IGF would be this-
    weeks 1-12 test enanthate E3D 500-750mg a week
    Weeks 1-4, 15-19* 40mcg of LR3 ED
    PCT 14-18

    *IMO I do not feel that its needed the first week of PCT, if my weight falls off it does in weeks 2-3, so I want to aleviate that problem.

    Dosing For huIGF

    This is about the same as LR3, this is stritcly my opinion based on what I have gatherd and read. As there is next to no information on this. So from what I know about it, this is how Id/do/will use it.
    PWO with 30-40mcg into each muscle that was worked. 20-30 min later, repeat. Do this for 4 times. for a total of 120-160mcg
    And if I were using this Id use it with humalog. The insulin will remain active for over and hour after the IGF was injected. So this will get all the possible gains from it that you could.

    How to figure out dosing

    Ok I get, I should use 40mcg.... but how do I figure that out?

    1mg = 1000mcg... assuming there is 1ml of liquid we can say that 1ml = 1000mcg and also = 100units...
    So 2 units = 20 mcg
    The best way to measure this is to use an insulin syringe. You can get away with a 1cc syringe but I prefer to use the .5cc or even the .33cc ones. They measure out each unit, so when you are measuring two units it is much easier on the smaller pin. While the 1cc syringe is fine, it is mesured out by two IU at a time. So one "tick" on the 1cc is 2iu, the .5cc each "tick" is one IU.

    Wow so you mean you’re telling me I shoot 4iu of this stuff? What if I do not get it all out of there ?

    I thought you would never ask. I have found the best way to get it and even measure my LR3 is like this. First draw out 30iu of B12 or BW (bacteriostatic water) on the dot. Then draw your LR3 out for a total of 34iu. This means you have 4iu of LR3 in the end of your syringe. Shoot out all of it and that way you can be sure all of the LR3 is out and into your desired muscle of choice.

    RedBaron has a great thread on reconstitution with AA (acetic acid), check it out here.
    But just about always you do not have to worry about reconstituting it yourself. All of the manufacturers usually suspend their LR3 in either BA or AA for you.

    The stability of a liquid solution of LR3IGF-I was monitored for a period of two years at storage conditions of -20 C, +4 C, +22 C, and +37 C. The final concentration of LR3IGF-I was in acetic acid. At various time points, samples were taken and compared to a lyophilized control (stored at 4 C). Listed below are the stability results for each respective storage condition.

    Storage Condition: -20 C (-4 F)
    Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
    Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
    Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
    Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

    Storage Condition: +4 C (39.2 F)
    Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
    Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
    Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
    Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

    Storage Condition: +22 C (71.6 F)
    Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
    Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
    Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
    Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

    Storage Condition: +37 C (98.6 F)
    Biological Potency No Change up to 1 year
    Immunological Activity No Change up to 1 year
    Mobility of Protein No Change up to 1 year
    Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 1 year
    In conclusion
    There is no significant difference in the potency of LR3IGF-I associated with the storage of the liquid formulation when stored at this range of temperatures. There is no evidence for loss of biological activity at any of the tested temperatures when stored as a liquid product. As you can see IGF can be quite stable for even a year at room temp, but if you want to keep it around for a while stick it into the fridge. So IMO the best way to store LR3 that is suspended in BA is in the freezer. The BA wont allow it to freeze. And if you have it suspended in AA, store it in the fridge.


  2. #2
    great post!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    On AR's Forum
    fantastic info

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Wicked !'ve done it again

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    If you're doing 50mcgs ed, are you saying it's better to do 25mcgs AM and 25mcgs PWO?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    very nice post mr. sparkle,its a must read for newbie's to igf.


  7. #7
    whats wrong with running igf-lr3 for longer than 5 weeks, that doesnt seem like a long time? what are the side effects if you run it for around 2 months?

  8. #8
    yeah , how about it !!! Why no longer than five weeks ???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    In mass
    Great reading very indepth. So if i read this corectly if i use igf with hgh the should complement eachother?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    great read... im getting ready for my first igf cycle.. can't wait! great info!

  11. #11
    OK what do you mean by each "tick " of the ruler on the needle, i have a 1cc insulin pin. is a tick the numbers btwn 10 and 100 units or are you talking about those tiny ass ticks inbtween? help

  12. #12
    Is Jensci's HGH and IGF1 any good?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    Quote Originally Posted by gooodwin
    OK what do you mean by each "tick " of the ruler on the needle, i have a 1cc insulin pin. is a tick the numbers btwn 10 and 100 units or are you talking about those tiny ass ticks inbtween? help

    do the math..........

    if there are 9 marks between 1 and 10, then each mark is a unit.... if there are 4 then each mark is two units

  14. #14
    this still doesnt make sense to me, if i use Bacterostatic water, i pullout 30 units of it, ( hitting the 30 mark on the 1cc syringe, then i draw out 3 more units to euqal 60 mcg of igf lr3 RIGHT? for a total of 33 units.. is this correct? thanks,

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    thx i needed that info.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    great post.

  17. #17

    Cool Yep Just What I Thought

    I Thought No One Would Answer Me ............... . . . . .

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    R these guns registered?!
    Thanks for the great post! I have two questions:

    1- How much lean mass I may gain (in average) with good diet and training if I run it for 5 weeks? My main concern is that I DON'T want to grow very huge in very short time.

    2- Is there any kind of side effects that I may expect? Acne, Kidney problems, etc.

    Thanks again.

  19. #19
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
    Join Date
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    great post, answered many lingering questions.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    So... At what part of a cycle should one run it? If ,say, they were to run two 5 week cycles during a 20 week cycle? Would you want to make sure that the second one came in around pct?
    And what carb guide should one be following while running it?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    As far as scale weight goes, you aren't going to gain a lot ... a few pounds is it. As far as the quality of your physique, I think you will notice improvement that will defy the small change in the scale. It is certainly nothing at all like D-bol or the like where you are going to put on a serious amount of weight in a short time.

    With respect to sides, the things that you may encounter are periods of hypoglycemia (mainly if you don't take in adequate complex carbs, or take in too many simple carbs ... causing an insulin spike), you may feel lethargic (also usually related to carbs), headache, nausea, and potentially some mild joint pain. Beyond that, really nothing of note. Overall it is a pretty mild substance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex2
    My main concern is that I DON'T want to grow very huge in very short time.
    Dont worry about this Alex, you are really lucky if you add any more than 2-3lbs at best. You should loss some BF so weight may remain constant or even decrease.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Great thread. IGF is becoming the talk of my gym now and I know nothing of it so I had to do my research.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    here and there
    can i take igflr3 25 before working out and than 25 after i workout at 7 am
    and also do i have to eat before i usually just take no xplode and 3 tbls of amnio fuel tring to get alittle leaner im 190lbs 10% bf right now

  24. #24
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    here and there
    what happens if your stuff freezes is it wasted

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    can someone pleas tell me what the diffrens is between IGF-1 and IGF-2 and IGF-3 i have ben told that IGF-3 is up to 30 times stronger then regular HGH like IGF-1... Is this currect?????? /Sweden

  26. #26
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    Does oratropin need to be refridgerated ?

  27. #27
    i don t understand about the insulin seryngue.

    I took pics of my insulin seryngue 1cc.

    If i have 1mg of IGF1 = 1000mcg.

    If i had 1ml of solution to my 1mg of IGF1 then if i need to use 40mcg i will draw until the number 4 on my seringue.. 40mcg= 40iu or 0.4cc?

    Am i right?
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  28. #28
    Ah ok i ve understood!!!!!! thx for your help bros!

    I will order 10 vials of 100mcg and that will be easier to dose in the seryngue!

    so if i put 1 ml of solution in 100mcg of IGF1 i will have to draw 0.4cc to have 40mcg.

    thx you!!!!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Terrific post... answered nearly all of my questions without me even having to ask them.

    I am assuming that AFTER a cycle of Long R3 IGF-1, I can expect more potential growth from AAS... due to the hyperplasia, which results in more cells and therefore more cells available for inducement of hypertrophy... am I reasoning correctly and logically? And also, might protein utilization be more efficient if I ran Long R3 IGF-1 while NOT on AAS, so as to commit nutritional resources to hyperplasia that otherwise would be spent on hypertrophy? Due to my condition, (Crohn's disease) I have to keep my protein intake fairly low, no more than about 200g/day or I really pay for it. And with the expense of the IGF stuff, I want to get the biggest possible bang for the buck, too. Also... what is the current legal status of this stuff... is it likely to soon join the FDA/DEA blacklist along with true AAS? Thanks all.

  30. #30
    Great info buy all that asked and answerd the Q's.

    Thanks again

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    great post, mr sparkl, but which brand of igf-1 lr3 is better for novis?

  32. #32
    would it be worth it to run two seperate cycles at 40mcgs for 25 days or would it be better to run one cycle of 60mcgs for 33 days? just wondering what your guys thoughts would be on this. a few cycles under the belt, but nothing with igf or hgh.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    A great way to run a cycle that includes IGF would be this-
    weeks 1-12 test enanthate E3D 500-750mg a week
    Weeks 1-4, 15-19* 40mcg of LR3 ED
    PCT 14-18

    What type of gains would be achieved with this?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pardon the ignorance but what does PWO stand for?

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    PWO = Post WorkOut

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    What does PWO days only mean?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    im 23 and looking to gain 2-4lbs of mass/weight in PCT and if i can cut BF that would be good too - i would be running it at 100mg Monday - Friday for 4 weeks, using 2g in total over the space of a month... is this acheivable ?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Thx Sparkle, Ive been waiting for asomething like this!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    im 23 and looking to gain 2-4lbs of mass/weight in PCT and if i can cut BF that would be good too - i would be running it at 100mg Monday - Friday for 4 weeks, using 2g in total over the space of a month... is this acheivable ?


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