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Thread: igflr3 and aging

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    igflr3 and aging

    For those of you have used Igflr3, did it make you look younger?
    If so did it go away after you stopped? What dose where you using?

    Thanks for any responses!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Not for me it doesn't.I doubt it does either.The run is too short to get those kind of effects HGH gives.Further,IGF's characterists aren't really like HGH.It's coverted from HGH and used in the body for different things.

    This is what I've ran so far and running presently.

    @ 40 mcgs,no anabolics were involved.
    @ 50 mcgs.That was done at PCT.
    @ 60 mcgs.That was ran with HGH.
    @80 mcgs.Test and HGH.
    Presently @ 80 mcgs.Running low dose Test(250mgs,maintenance),100 mg Deca wkly,200 mg Drol ED,HGH 6 iu's.I won't grow from the test,so that won't be a factor.Drol is for water retention and strength.Deca for joints.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Not for me it doesn't.I doubt it does either.The run is too short to get those kind of effects HGH gives.Further,IGF's characterists aren't really like HGH.It's coverted from HGH and used in the body for different things.

    This is what I've ran so far and running presently.

    @ 40 mcgs,no anabolics were involved.
    @ 50 mcgs.That was done at PCT.
    @ 60 mcgs.That was ran with HGH.
    @80 mcgs.Test and HGH.
    Presently @ 80 mcgs.Running low dose Test(250mgs,maintenance),100 mg Deca wkly,200 mg Drol ED,HGH 6 iu's.I won't grow from the test,so that won't be a factor.Drol is for water retention and strength.Deca for joints.

    You're a freak P....... Damn 200mgs of drol like your popping vitamin C's. Do you lose hair on drol, winny or suspension?

  4. #4
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    You're a freak P....... Damn 200mgs of drol like your popping vitamin C's. Do you lose hair on drol, winny or suspension?
    No.I'm not predisposed to MPB.Drol isn't a problem.Suspension either.I hate winny!!!IMO it's a female drug just like Var.But it has it's place in Comp cycles.At least winny does.Var is for, well.......


  5. #5
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    No.I'm not predisposed to MPB.Drol isn't a problem.Suspension either.I hate winny!!!IMO it's a female drug just like Var.But it has it's place in Comp cycles.At least winny does.Var is for, well.......


    That stupid little purple thing with the loose wrist. It always makes me laugh cuz it's so corny....haha....

    Lucky SOB, you get to run the strong stuff without worries... Strongest stuff I can run is test while on finastride. Not complaining cuz test is always good for me. What would you recommend besides test for bulking for someone predispositioned to MPB? test & deca and/or ED has been good in the past for me. I'm thinking of turanibol and test prop maybe? I loved Winny actually cuz it really brough my veins out. Can't use that stuff cuz it eats follicles.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 09-05-2005 at 10:50 PM.

  6. #6
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    That stupid little purple thing with the loose wrist. It always makes me laugh cuz it's so corny....haha....

    Lucky SOB, you get to run the strong stuff without worries... Strongest stuff I can run is test while on finastride. Not complaining cuz test is always good for me. What would you recommend besides test for bulking for someone predispositioned to MPB? test & deca and/or ED has been good in the past for me. I'm thinking of turanibol and test prop maybe? I loved Winny actually cuz it really brough my veins out. Can't use that stuff cuz it eats follicles.
    we're jacking this poor guys thread!!

    It's tough for you SJ.You have to stay away from all the strong androgens.Fina/Halo/Drol/Masteron ect.(all my favorites)

    I hear some good things about Turnibol.Similar to dbol without the back pumps.Give it a whirl.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    For those of you have used Igflr3, did it make you look younger?
    If so did it go away after you stopped? What dose where you using?

    Thanks for any responses!
    HGH didn't do it either


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    HGH didn't do it either

    Really Johnny?You never saw a skin texture change while running HGH?What was the longest period you ever ran GH for Johnny?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    we're jacking this poor guys thread!!

    It's tough for you SJ.You have to stay away from all the strong androgens.Fina/Halo/Drol/Masteron ect.(all my favorites)

    I hear some good things about Turnibol.Similar to dbol without the back pumps.Give it a whirl.

    You know what there, there is always good info to be learned...i love turanabol, no bloat and and muscle structure is hard as a rock..stacking with andropen275...

    Thanks for the responses..Johnny what dose were you running the HGH?
    Last edited by G-13; 09-06-2005 at 10:03 AM. Reason: speeeling

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Really Johnny?You never saw a skin texture change while running HGH?What was the longest period you ever ran GH for Johnny?

    one year, still ahd the same wrinkles I've always had


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    ..Johnny what dose were you running the HGH?
    Got up to 4iu ed. Here's my take on HGH, I'll never buy it again. If I can get a script and pay only a co-pay, I'll use it again, but to go out and buy some kits for a cycle, I'm not going to do that. The cost for the results, just doesn't add up for me. LR3 IGF-1 is a different story for me, I will use that until I see minimal results. I'm using it now during a cycle, but will onlt be using it between cycles, with my HRT dose. LR3 and slin, at 4 weeks each, switching between the 2


  12. #12
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Got up to 4iu ed. Here's my take on HGH, I'll never buy it again. If I can get a script and pay only a co-pay, I'll use it again, but to go out and buy some kits for a cycle, I'm not going to do that. The cost for the results, just doesn't add up for me. LR3 IGF-1 is a different story for me, I will use that until I see minimal results. I'm using it now during a cycle, but will onlt be using it between cycles, with my HRT dose. LR3 and slin, at 4 weeks each, switching between the 2


    If i remember correctly,i thought i read you were using like 40 twice per day, is that correct. I may be wrong i have read so much about IGF lr3.
    IM going to use it at 50 fro 20 days through pct and see how that works out for me. But your right HGH is expensive...not sure if its worth imo
    Last edited by G-13; 09-06-2005 at 03:09 PM. Reason: i acantr tyope worht a SHIOTIJO

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    If i remember correctly,i thought i read you were using like 40 twice per day, is that correct. I may be wrong i have read so much about IGF lr3.
    IM going to use it at 50 fro 20 days through pct and see how that works out for me. But your right HGH is expensive...not sure if its worth imo
    I'm using 50mcg, right now since I'm trying a new brand. Next time I'll go 80-100mcg, 40-50mcg post w/o and 40-50mcg before bed or 8 hours after my post w/o shot.


  14. #14
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Got up to 4iu ed. Here's my take on HGH, I'll never buy it again. If I can get a script and pay only a co-pay, I'll use it again, but to go out and buy some kits for a cycle, I'm not going to do that. The cost for the results, just doesn't add up for me. LR3 IGF-1 is a different story for me, I will use that until I see minimal results. I'm using it now during a cycle, but will onlt be using it between cycles, with my HRT dose. LR3 and slin, at 4 weeks each, switching between the 2

    I have a good question for you Johnny.I know you're on HRT.When you bump your Test dose up for a cycle,do you see gains?
    I know a few older guys on HRT,and they've tried a cycle with no results.They claim thier receptors are flooded out from long term use.
    What's you thoughts on this as well?


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Bizump for Mr. Johnny!


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I have a good question for you Johnny.I know you're on HRT.When you bump your Test dose up for a cycle,do you see gains?
    I know a few older guys on HRT,and they've tried a cycle with no results.They claim thier receptors are flooded out from long term use.
    What's you thoughts on this as well?

    Bump again for Johnny.This is of great interest to me.The 40's are right around the corner.I need to plan a strategy.


  17. #17
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    West Palm Beach
    I'm on TRT and I have to slam over 1gram of test to feel any gains. My natural Test level was super low. 75ng...So, it takes alot for me to grow. That's just me though.

    I've seen some skin changes with GH at 2IU's a day for 7 months. IGF-1 is like taking dbol for the first time without the water bloat..Good stuff....! 3rd cycle I did 80mcg post gym.
    Johny, How are you timing the IGF and slin?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I'm on TRT and I have to slam over 1gram of test to feel any gains. My natural Test level was super low. 75ng...So, it takes alot for me to grow. That's just me though.

    I've seen some skin changes with GH at 2IU's a day for 7 months. IGF-1 is like taking dbol for the first time without the water bloat..Good stuff....! 3rd cycle I did 80mcg post gym.
    Johny, How are you timing the IGF and slin?
    Do you see any gains in mass?

    Do you switch from cyp to another form of Test?



  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have seen some skin improvement on 3ius 5 on 2 off 4.5 mos

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    I've done just Test C, then Test E now doing T400. T400 has giving me the best gains over Test C or Test E alone. I've been on a heavy dose of T400 for about 60 days and my stregnth gains have stopped so I'm going to hit prop and tren then start over again. you have to change it every few months even if you're taking TRT..

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Do you see any gains in mass?

    Do you switch from cyp to another form of Test?



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