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  1. #1
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    How to recover pituitary after HGH cycle?

    What PCT can be done after an HGH cycle? Will you loose gains (like AASs) if you go off cold and your hormones are out of whack with HGH?

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    What PCT can be done after an HGH cycle? Will you loose gains (like AASs) if you go off cold and your hormones are out of whack with HGH?
    There is no need for PCT with HGH.Your natural HGH release will occur in less than a day.
    What gains are you talking about?From HGH?It's not known for mass increases.More like retaining mass.


  3. #3
    WannabePro's Avatar
    WannabePro is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    There is no need for PCT with HGH.Your natural HGH release will occur in less than a day.
    What gains are you talking about?From HGH?It's not known for mass increases.More like retaining mass.


  4. #4
    Slic4788 is offline Associate Member
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    Found this might help.

    Credit goes to Einstein(former member):

    GH is regulated in a pulsatile manner. It's released from the pituitary in response to GHRH from the hypothalamus....once GH is released, it carries out its actions, one of which is causing increased expression of IGF-1, primarily in the liver. it's IGF-1 that's the main negative feedback inhibitor of further GH long as there is sufficient serum IGF-1 levels, somatostatin is expressed, which prevents GHRH from causing further release of GH. Normal GH pulses occur about every 4-5 hrs, so taking exo GH (or LR3) will suppress 1-2 pulses if taking GH, 2-4 if using LR3. Once these compound are at low enough levels again, somatostatin expression is reduced and GHRH predominates and causes further GH release from the pituitary, and the normal pulse pattern resumes.........

    There really is no recovery period from GH, because you're never fully suppressing the HP axis regarding're only doing so for part of the day, unless you're doing very high doses of GH or dosing E4hrs or so. Using LR3 >1x/day can also cause suppression for a full day, but even then, i don't think there would be any long term problems.

  5. #5
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slic4788
    Found this might help.

    Credit goes to Einstein(former member):

    GH is regulated in a pulsatile manner. It's released from the pituitary in response to GHRH from the hypothalamus....once GH is released, it carries out its actions, one of which is causing increased expression of IGF-1, primarily in the liver. it's IGF-1 that's the main negative feedback inhibitor of further GH long as there is sufficient serum IGF-1 levels, somatostatin is expressed, which prevents GHRH from causing further release of GH. Normal GH pulses occur about every 4-5 hrs, so taking exo GH (or LR3) will suppress 1-2 pulses if taking GH, 2-4 if using LR3. Once these compound are at low enough levels again, somatostatin expression is reduced and GHRH predominates and causes further GH release from the pituitary, and the normal pulse pattern resumes.........

    There really is no recovery period from GH, because you're never fully suppressing the HP axis regarding're only doing so for part of the day, unless you're doing very high doses of GH or dosing E4hrs or so. Using LR3 >1x/day can also cause suppression for a full day, but even then, i don't think there would be any long term problems.
    I was looking for something similar when "cubanjoe" and myself were having a discussion on this earlier today.
    Great detective work bro!!Really!!!!!!!!!!


  6. #6
    HumanPerfection1 is offline Associate Member
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    just masterbate alot

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