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  1. #1
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)

    MR R3IGF-1 gets in there with no prob

    I injected 50mcgs of MR IGF-1 into my shoulders PWO today. 25mcgs per delt. I felt a slight sting but no biggie. I feel more with HCG . I like a little pain actually cuz it makes me think the stuff is legit. Well, I better knock on wood since I'm starting BD prop in a few days. Once it gets here!

    Pinnacle told me to shoot all 50mcgs into each muscle and alternate. Biceps is what I'll probably do from now on. Pinnacle and Rodge recommend the same thing. Probably a good idea so I don't waste any. This is a small amount compared to juice or HCG. Every precious drop counts. I calculted that every 50mcgs = $9.00 at the price I paid for 2mls. That's 1/20th (5%) of a ml, not much.....Hehehe.....I'm in banking, I have to break it down, you know that....

  2. #2
    supersteve Guest
    I shot my hgh and melanotan II into the biceps daily, doesn't hurt at all.
    Hell I shoot my tren in there as well once a week... but that tends to hurt afterwards

    My first igf-1 cycle I shot sub-q but this coming cycle (starting in 7 days) I will be shooting IM in the bis. So many bicep shots

  3. #3
    cubanojoe is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    West Coast, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by supersteve
    I shot my hgh and melanotan II into the biceps daily, doesn't hurt at all.
    Hell I shoot my tren in there as well once a week... but that tends to hurt afterwards

    My first igf-1 cycle I shot sub-q but this coming cycle (starting in 7 days) I will be shooting IM in the bis. So many bicep shots

    What are you using Melanotan II for?

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