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Thread: big gh doses

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's

    big gh doses

    i don't know a whole lot about it but have researched long and hard. if so many people have too many sides to go above 5-7iu's/day, how is it pros are using upwards of 10-15iu's/day. is there a way to go around the sides or does the body get used to them or what...

    wanted to start some pretty soon, but i'm young and am solely interested in bodybuilding purposes, not the anti-aging, lose a little fat kinda purposes. so thinking of starting out at around 5ius/day and see how that works.

    feel free to flame, just sticking it out there to see what people think. mostly for the first question.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    how the heck do you know what the pros are doing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Your mom's
    Quote Originally Posted by alwayson
    how the heck do you know what the pros are doing?
    very informative... thank you for wasting my time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    very informative... thank you for wasting my time.
    How old are you again? I would consider lr3 IGF-1 if you're younger, it makes more sense and you'll get better gains with AAS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    im 24, igf isn't doing anything anymore. each cycle i reap less gains. this one im at 80mcg/day, stopped midway through cuz it just isn't worth it. i pay more for two kits(one month) of igf than i would for 120iu's. i understand its best closer to 30 but i don't wanna wait till thirty to be the biggest and the baddest...

  6. #6
    I am currently doing 4ius of serostem. Been on for 5months. I am 24 and not impressed. I started it post cycle which I loved how I kept my gains from previous cycle. Other than that, I would have spent the money elsewhere personally. I do recommend taking it with PCT for its anti-catabolic abilities. I feel I am too young to really reap the benefits of this drug. I will not take it again until 30.

  7. #7
    Im 27 and i did a 5month jintropin cycle 4ius/ed and i wasent impressed either. And im also thinking if IGF-1 doesent have any effect on you then Gh wont either because as you know Gh stimulates IGF-1 production in the liver and IGF-1 is what builds mass.
    Last edited by Maximus G; 09-22-2005 at 12:46 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Well for me 6iu's is where I start to see results. I tried 8iu's but the sides where not worth it. I'm 22.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I am currently doing 4ius of serostem. Been on for 5months. I am 24 and not impressed. I started it post cycle which I loved how I kept my gains from previous cycle. Other than that, I would have spent the money elsewhere personally. I do recommend taking it with PCT for its anti-catabolic abilities. I feel I am too young to really reap the benefits of this drug. I will not take it again until 30.

    I'm with you no this one. I'm 25 and just finishing up a 6 month cylce of Serostim 3.6ius/day 5on 2 off.
    I did see some results as far as cleaner smoother skin, better sleeping pattern, some BF% loss but none localized. But as far as muscle gains they were very minimal.
    I know what you're saying about running GH during PCT. I'm going to run LR3 during my PCT this time around.
    I'd love to wait until I'm 30 to try it agian but I just love the way I feel when I"m on it. As far as muscle gains there are many more things that I have gotten better results from.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    i don't know a whole lot about it but have researched long and hard. if so many people have too many sides to go above 5-7iu's/day, how is it pros are using upwards of 10-15iu's/day. is there a way to go around the sides or does the body get used to them or what...

    wanted to start some pretty soon, but i'm young and am solely interested in bodybuilding purposes, not the anti-aging, lose a little fat kinda purposes. so thinking of starting out at around 5ius/day and see how that works.

    feel free to flame, just sticking it out there to see what people think. mostly for the first question.

    ask to ronnie coleman, why is potbellied.

  11. #11
    since this seems like the 20yo GH feedback thread, I'll chime in that I'm 25 and finishing up 6 months (2 more) 4iu 5/2 and am experiencing fat loss, great skin, no sickness, and good joints. I was on accutane practically the whole time and I ran a little var in the middle and did PCT, but didn't really get noticeable gains from the var at up to 80mg/ed for 8 weeks. My cholesterol went up 100 points during those 8 weeks, which might indicate that the var was "working," but I didn't really get any significant strength gains. My cholesterol dropped 97 points on my next blood test after stopping the var. I am going to stay on for another 2 months. If I run it next time, I will try using AAS with it (haven't done a test+ cycle in a couple of years)... but i think I am going to chill on any of these supplements for a long time as my goals have changed (from being huge to being leaner and in shape). I am going to get a blood test for igf levels, test levels, etc. etc. about 6 months and 1 year after I stop to see what lasting effects this rather long experiment has had on me. I hope that the great skin I've got and more chiseled facial features (fat loss) are permanent...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    well it seems for the younger gh user 6ius/day and up is the way to be for muscular goals...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    well it seems for the younger gh user 6ius/day and up is the way to be for muscular goals...

    yahh a lot of muscle
    wishfull thinking.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    very informative... thank you for wasting my time.
    The answer to your every question


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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Your mom's
    how does one get to the bigger doses. if sides are bad at 6iu's/day do they subside? is this the kind of thing you have to ride out... like prop pain? or are the sides there for good?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Sides are some bloating and Carpal tunnel...which will go away in 3-6 weeks after you dial it down. I got skin tags...which is weird.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    dirty jerz
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    Sides are some bloating and Carpal tunnel...which will go away in 3-6 weeks after you dial it down. I got skin tags...which is weird.
    damm that sucks, skin tags are gross

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    dirty jerz
    i'm 26 but haven't been on growth as long as you guys (only 1 1/2 months now) and i think i'm gonna change to igf lr3 when i'm done just because i think at our age to see optimal effects on hgh it costs to much$. just my .02

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Hollywood
    I just started taking 6mg (18 iu) EOD of Serostim, will see what happens! I have several large bodybuilder friends who have taken it for years and they said I should really split that dose into 3 doses and do it every day. I'll probably do that, my issue with that is I don't want my roommate to see syringes or vials in the refrigerator. Taking the HGH on top of my current cycle of Test, Deca, and Oxandralone. Wish me luck!

  21. #21
    You have to keep the GH in the fridge. Put it in a vitamen container or something that won't be tampered with if that is an issue. A small fridge in your room would work also.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep It Coming
    I just started taking 6mg (18 iu) EOD of Serostim, will see what happens! I have several large bodybuilder friends who have taken it for years and they said I should really split that dose into 3 doses and do it every day. I'll probably do that, my issue with that is I don't want my roommate to see syringes or vials in the refrigerator. Taking the HGH on top of my current cycle of Test, Deca, and Oxandralone. Wish me luck!
    Kool, let us know how that goes man, as far as sides and results.

    And as for the gh, invest in a small convertible fridge for your room. I don't think they're too expensive.

    best of luck, mate.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Buy a small bar fridge, they are cheap as chips now, I don't know where you live but I got one pretty cheap ($200AUD)... fill it up with crap and beer, hide a lock box behind some random shit in the fridge that interests no one and you just never use...


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Hollywood
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    You have to keep the GH in the fridge. Put it in a vitamen container or something that won't be tampered with if that is an issue. A small fridge in your room would work also.
    Great idea! Gonna do that tonight.

    Will look into a mini fridge as well, wouldn't hurt to have one of those in my room, have the space for it.

    I could definitely feel the GH working, my elbows were a little tingly last night, not bad though. I'm sure it will go away when I split the vial into 3 doses.

  25. #25
    Two doses a day should work fine. I do 2iu in morning, and 2iu before bed.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Hollywood
    It was recommended to me to try 6 IU's at night, every night. It makes the vial last 3 days, making my supply last 2.5 months (up from 2 months from previous way, of course more is on the way- I plan on doing this at least 8 months)

  27. #27
    My last run I used anywhere from 6-8iu's. I first started with 4iu's split into 2 doses, then jumped it up to 6iu's and would occasionally go up to 8iu's. The sides I did experiance went away after a few weeks. So yes, I think if you can tough it out for a while your body can begin to adjust and the sides subside.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    Sides are some bloating and Carpal tunnel...which will go away in 3-6 weeks after you dial it down. I got skin tags...which is weird.
    I get them too on gh. In fact, there was a thread in here once and it is a common side to all of us that have been on it for awhile. No problem though, just go to the doc and he cuts them off.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    God bless you guys if you can afford GH. That's some expensive stuff. I hear that it gives the best gains when mixed with test and the side effects are very minimal. If you overdose however it will have side effects (like all drugs.) I just don't want to take it because of the $$$ and gh gut I might get from. But good for your guys if it works out for you.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    West Hollywood
    Quote Originally Posted by Slic4788
    Kool, let us know how that goes man, as far as sides and results.

    And as for the gh, invest in a small convertible fridge for your room. I don't think they're too expensive.

    best of luck, mate.
    I ended up going with 1 vial EOD to keep it simple. It's now been just over 2 weeks. So far nothing major, just a little bloating, mostly notice it on my ankles, I think it's starting to go away. Hands are fine. Elbow tingling went away after the first week. Have been sleeping a little more than normal, and several days after a leg workout I can't sit too long before I have to move around, although that happened on a lesser scale even before... just the muscles recovering. I've gained over 10 lbs- guessing some is from the bloating though, definitely notice size increase as well.
    Last edited by Keep It Coming; 10-25-2005 at 12:01 AM.

  31. #31
    supersteve Guest
    What dose is that? 18iu EOD?
    Keep us updated man, am sure u will get some nice gains at that dose.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by supersteve
    What dose is that? 18iu EOD?
    Keep us updated man, am sure u will get some nice gains at that dose.
    a big belly
    better ed and 20 ius

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Id personally be concerned about intestinal growth especially when into the double figure digits and GH gut is virtually unreversable. Not exactly asthetically pleasing either lol

  34. #34
    i agree.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Hollywood
    Quote Originally Posted by AVAGO
    Id personally be concerned about intestinal growth especially when into the double figure digits and GH gut is virtually unreversable. Not exactly asthetically pleasing either lol
    I know lots of guys on this or double the dose, they don't have bellies- just rock hard abs... It doesn't happen overnight, it's with extended long term use that you get roid gut.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Hollywood
    Quote Originally Posted by supersteve
    What dose is that? 18iu EOD?
    Keep us updated man, am sure u will get some nice gains at that dose.
    Yes, that is correct- It's the same as taking 9iu's a day, which is only on the high side, not outrageous.

  37. #37


    big bouncin balls,

    I have been running Jintropin for about 6 weeks and I love it. The residual benefits of good skin etc are great but I am sure you just want to get jacked as possible like the rest of us. I know for me that if I just took the gh alone you wouldnt see the type of results you'd think. You'd feel good and get a little leaner, the key is to run test with it. I run as little as 1cc of test enth a week with 3iu 5on/2off and I feel like superman. My strenghth has gone through the roof and I have put on 18lbs solid. I dont know what you gear use has been but if you add small to moderate amounts of AAS the result is incredible. By the way I am 25 so the age thing hasnt effected me.

    Good luck

  38. #38
    i am running 6 ius a day the only sides i am really getting is some tingle in my fingers i am happy with the results at 6 ius but i am also switching back and forth between slin and igf.also running some test eq and anadrol.i feel the best results come from the gh and the slin together.the igf seems to help me keep my size without the slin but seems to get me a little leaner.i think you will get the same results with 6 ius as you would with 8 so why waste the money.if you are going to go over 6 you might as well go to 10-15 and now your talking possibly serious sides

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